

Monday, August 4, 2014

Obama Cynically Uses Race to Throw Open the Southern Border to Anyone and Everyone

Rush has an interesting breakdown on this.

RUSH: Now, I want to go back, if I may, to this impeachment business and this granting of blanket amnesty to five or six million illegals currently living in the shadows, because I think there's a key point here.  What is the president doing?  The president is running around bellyaching, whining, and moaning that the Republicans won't work with him, saying such things as (imitating Obama), "Come on, man, you know what, just stop the hating, you know, just stop the hate and stop being so mad all the time. Stop being so mad. Work with me on this. Help me do this." 
And of course the Republicans don't want any of this to happen, so they're not helping.  And Obama can't get the Congress to go along with what he wants to do so he runs around and says, "Well, you know what, if they won't act, I will."  And he says, "I'm not gonna sit here and not do something just 'cause they won't." 
He tries to make all these low-information people think, "Well, you know, what a great guy, what a great guy.  These buffoons in Congress that simply won't do anything, he's gonna do it anyway."  Well, let's not forget something.  This president had control of both houses of Congress for two years, and he did not even put forth an immigration bill.  In fact, during the two years that Obama had total control of the legislative branch, when he went out and made public appearances and people said, "Why don't you just grant amnesty, why don't you just do?" 
"I can't.  The Constitution, I can't do that. The Constitution doesn't give me that power."  Remember that?  He would tell people.  He went to the United Nations.  (imitating Obama) "You ask why don't we just put the guy that did the video that caused Benghazi in jail? Because of our laws. I just can't put people in jail."  Even though he had.  So this guy hides behind the Constitution whenever he finds it convenient.  Now, folks, this is crucial, important.  For two years he had control of both houses of Congress and he did not move an immigration bill.  And during those two years he was complaining that he was constrained by the Constitution. 
Now, to say, as he is today, that he's going to act alone because the Congress won't act is a lie.  The president would act unilaterally after refusing to act with Congress when he controlled it.  Why didn't he do this when he controlled Congress?  Why didn't he grant amnesty when he controlled everything?  And why is he willing to do it now when he doesn't?  And Mr. Snerdley, good old Mr. Snerdley swerved into the answer in the last hour. 
He didn't want his party getting blamed for it.  But he'll do it now with the Republicans in control of the House, because as far as the media is concerned, the Republicans control the Congress, see, even though the Democrats control the Senate and even the Senate bottles up anything coming out of the House.  One of the reasons House Republicans don't put anything forward is 'cause it's gonna die in the Senate.  That's just one reason why.  Another reason is that -- well, I don't even want to go there.  But it'll die in the Senate. 
Point is, the Republicans do not control Congress; they just have one house, House of Representatives.  So it's divided.  It's bipartisan.  But the reason Obama didn't do this when he had both houses of Congress, is because the Democrats would have gotten blame.  And not credit, not credit.  Now, Obama's out trying to make it look like blanket amnesty and all these children, "That's who we are, that's who we are as Americans, and if somebody wants to come to our country and improve their life, then we're not gonna stand in their way." 
Well, why didn't he do it when he had nobody stopping him?  And why does he want to do it now?  Well, there's a whole host of reasons, but one of them is it's still unpopular and he thinks that the Republicans will end up getting some of the blame for not working with him on it.  He was left with no choice, but the Republicans end up in the discussion of who gets blame. When the Republicans didn't have the House and the Democrats did, there was no way to blame it on the Republicans.  My point is, it was unpopular then -- amnesty -- it is unpopular now.  And the only way to do it, the only reason to do it now is if you can get the Republicans blamed for it and maybe goad them into impeaching, or saying or doing things that might rally the Democrat base. 
But this sob story that he has to act alone because the Congress won't work with him is bogus.  There are no good intentions here, folks.  And this is something that the left relies on constantly.  We're never supposed to examine the results of what they do, like the failure of the Great Society and the failure of the War on Poverty and the failure of the whole social welfare system.  No, no, no.  We are supposed to examine their good intentions and how big their hearts are and how much they care.  They care more than Republicans and they're bigger hearted and we're supposed to look at that as we judge them. 
Well, there aren't any good intentions here.  They might try to say, "Well, look, we only want to help these poor people from Central America that are fleeing gangs and cartels and war torn poverty and strife and so forth."  But at some point if you're gonna let people in for that reason, how do you keep anybody out?  Because everybody in this planet comes from someplace worse off than we are.  So on what basis do you close the border to anybody?  If you open it because they're coming from poverty, crime, war, whatever, that's never been the basis on which we let people in. That's never been the formation of immigration policy. That's why there's been political asylum and that kind of thing, but that isn't immigration. 
So there are no good intentions here.  What this is, this is the cynical use of race as an excuse to transform the Constitution and destroy the exceptional results that separate and equal branches of government have delivered for over 200 years.  And I'm telling you what is the root of this.  The root of this, for people in the modern leftist movement, the reason why the Constitution doesn't mean anything to them, and, in fact, the reason why it has to be blown up is because the Constitution was ratified when we had slavery. And some of these people, anything that happened after that, such as the Civil War, the 14th Amendment, anything to deal with it, to fix it, to make amends for it, does not count. 
The fact the Constitution was ratified during slavery is all these people need to despise it and to want to get rid of it, to rewrite it, whatever.  That is the basis.  And that is why, at the heart of all of this illegal immigration, is race.  The impoverished, the poor, the hungry, the war torn, the fleeing criminals, drugs, they're all people of color.  The exact kind of people who are not given the same freedoms and equalities as the white people when this country was founded, and so they are all due payback no matter where they come from. 
The cynical use of race is being used. When Obama talks about transforming the country, he simply means ignoring and transforming the Constitution.  The Constitution spells out the three branches of government, it spells out the separation of powers, it provides checks and balances to make sure that one branch doesn't become dictatorial.  So what's Obama do?  Obliterate the separation of powers.  Act unilaterally without Congress.  What better way to shred the Constitution or spit on it than to do that, than to totally wreck to smithereens the whole concept of the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances, which has worked for over 200 years. 
What better way to render the Constitution inapplicable than to flood this country with victims of this country the world over, because anybody alive who is not experiencing the bounty and the prosperity available in this country is a victim of this country.  That's what they believe.  The colonial instincts behavior or the imperialistic tendencies of this country or the use of our military, it all fits that meme, if you will.  So, in other words, acting alone, as Obama is threatening to do, is the undermining of the process that creates laws in our constitutional republic.  Acting alone, or threatening to, is a calculated act of -- oh, what's the word?  Insurrection? 
It's a calculated act of opposition and protest against the Constitution and what it means. And in so doing, that is supposed to communicate to Hispanics and the rabid left and all these victims out there that he cares about them, that he is tearing down all of these walls that exist to keep the poor and the downtrodden out, because, after all, that's what America did at its founding.  It's right there in the Constitution.  We established a supposed free and equal country with slaves in it.  And for this they can't get past that, no matter what's happened, Civil War, 14th Amendment, all the things that have happened to deal with that, to fix that, those things don't matter.  The original ratification is what serves to tick them off forever.


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