

Saturday, October 31, 2020

We Can Win This Thing — Because We Must

 RUSH: Hi, friends. I want you to know we can absolutely win this thing. I don’t want you thinking anything other than that. We can win this thing because we have to.

JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny South Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!

RUSH: Yes sirree. Three hours of broadcast excellence straight ahead, and we’re looking forward to chatting with you. Telephone number, if you want to be on the program, is what it always is: 800-282-2882. And the email address, ElRushbo@eibnet.us.

We can absolutely win this thing. I’ve got a bunch of things here that I have put together in show prep that indicate how we’re gonna do this, how it’s on the verge of happening again, almost a replay of 2016. But the bottom line is, we have to win this thing. We have to. I cannot imagine what our country looks like if we don’t, folks.

People ask me constantly, “What can I do, Rush? What can I do?” As though there’s something more important than voting, or at least something as important and it’s maybe some big secret out there. “What is it I can do?”

Folks, let me tell you something. The best thing you can do is vote. It’s the single best thing you can do. Make sure you vote, and then convince four other people to vote for Trump with you. Or five or six.

We have the power. We can save our country. We have to save our country. We can do it by reelecting Donald Trump. But every single one of you has to get out there and vote. This is not a cliche. It’s not something that’s easy to say and then I can say I fulfilled my responsibility.

You’d be amazed the number of people that don’t vote. That’s why this is so important. You’d be amazed at the number of people that don’t vote.

Now, I think the turnout this year is gonna be through the roof. I think young people are gonna vote, and I think they’re gonna vote for Trump. I think Trump’s gonna clean up in the African-American vote as well. But you can’t sit by and rely on other people to make that happen. You have to participate in it yourself. Now, if you voted or if you plan to vote, don’t get mad at me for reminding you because I’m talking to people who haven’t. And I’ll guarantee you in an audience this size, there are still a lot of people who don’t yet know if they are going to vote.

You may know people who think their vote doesn’t matter, they’re just one citizen out of 300 million, how can their vote possibly matter, then you start talking about fraud. Broom all of that and rethink it. Your vote matters. You are an American. You are a citizen. You have an equal say with everybody else in this country who votes. But only if you do. It’s vital. Every single vote does count. Every single vote matters. And I’m telling you, if everybody in this audience, if you all vote and you bring along others to vote, you will make the difference, you will make a significant difference. President Trump’s record, promises made, promises kept is outstanding. He deserves to be reelected.

Some other things here. The only thing — and I’m gonna get more into this as the program unfolds today. I’ve been making a big point out of how all of us Americans some years ago used to have a lot of things in common in terms of our desires for ourselves and our country and how we don’t anymore. We do not have very much in common with today’s left or the Democrat Party. And I’m gonna go through that with even greater detail today to illustrate it for you.

Part and parcel of that is this. The only thing right now that Joe Biden has going for him is the D next to his name. And the only reason that that matters is what that D represents to people. And that D standing for the Democrat Party doesn’t mean what it used to mean, despite millions of people thinking that it does. We have to break down the old the narrative, the same old narrative that the Democrat Party is the more caring party. Simply not true. I don’t know that it ever was true, but I know that it is not true now.

Today’s the Democrat Party is not the party of JFK. They’re not the party of “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” That’s not the Democrat Party today. The policies that today’s Democrat Party want to implement do not raise people up. The policies that define today’s Democrat Party assume that people are incompetent, assume that people are incapable, assume that people need to be taken care of, need to be protected, usually from us.

Today’s Democrat Party does not pull people out of poverty. The exact opposite. Today’s Democrat Party needs a permanent underclass. Today’s Democrat Party needs as many people dependent on government or dependent on Washington or dependent on the Democrat Party as they can create. That is the source of their power. As many citizens as they can create in need, as many citizens incapable of self-reliance. That is not a party of compassion.

A party of compassion does not treat people as incompetent and incapable and try to make them live lives that way. A party that is compassionate would want to show people how to maximize their lives, how to maximize the opportunity being an American citizen presents. Instead, today’s Democrat Party, today’s American left exists to destroy the United States, to criticize Western civilization, the American way of life, because it gets in the way of their political agenda.

The Democrat Party does not raise expectations, does not raise hopes, does not teach every single person in this country has opportunity. It does the exact opposite. It tries to tell people they don’t have a chance because of evil, mean Republicans; because of evil, mean rich people or what have you — white supremacy, identity politics, racial politics, however they do it.

They are trying to convince as many people as possible they do not have opportunity in this country, that this country is flawed — morally, religiously — deeply. The truth is the exact opposite. You see, we conservatives, we Republicans, we want a strong economy. We want a burgeoning economy. We want a growing economy. We want prosperity for everybody.

You know why? We love everybody. We want a great country. You know why? Because we live in it! We live in the United States of America. We want it to be great. We want people to prosper. We want people to access the opportunity this country provides that people all over the world would love to come and access for themselves. We want everybody to be the best they can be!

We want everybody to find out who they are so that they can be the best they can be. We want jobs galore. We are eternal optimists. We believe in the growth of the U.S. economy and the rising tide lifting all boats. We believe in low taxes, fewer regulations so that Americans can build their small businesses, better their lives and truly prosper.

In other words, we believe in the Trump agenda. This is what the first three, maybe a little more than 3-1/2 years now of the Trump administration has brought to the United States. We want all of you to prosper. We want everybody to live the best life you can. You know why? We only get one. I don’t mean to sound cliched, but we all only get one.

You could look at it as we get a do-over every day.

If we screw up here, make a mistake there, then the next day offers an opportunity to fix the mistake we created. But the point is, we only get one, and it is special. The most special thing on earth is human life. It’s distinct; it’s unique; it’s different. We all are blessed to have been born and have this life, and we wish everybody to maximize it, and that’s the blessing of being an American.

But today’s left, today’s Democrat Party does not believe any of that. They don’t believe it’s possible. They don’t want it for people because it interrupts their path to power. Please believe me. I know it’s, “Rush, these people are not that mean.” It’s not a question of whether they’re mean or not, folks. It’s just they don’t think the way we do, and they certainly don’t believe in you the way we do.

Look at Obama. Obama was president for eight years. What did he do? What did he do besides a bunch of flowery speeches? Let’s look at African-Americans. How were the lives of African-Americans and minorities made better during the Obama years? They weren’t. After eight years of Obama, African-Americans were still complaining about the same things they complained about when they elected him.

They’ve been doing it for 50 years. So the point is, ladies and gentlemen, we have these two competing visions, and now one of these completing visions literally seeks to eliminate the United States of America that we’ve all known, that we’ve assumed will always be here, that we love and adore and that we have invested in.

They literally wish to tear it apart and rebuild it. They don’t like the Constitution. They don’t believe in it. They believe this is a slave state that’s irredeemable and a nation that cannot be fixed, and that’s their excuse for wanting to rip it apart and start anew. So, yeah, what can you do?


It’s the thing you can do. It’s the thing that you must do. It’s not something insignificant. There’s not something that’s more powerful than voting. There’s not some secret thing that you can do in addition to voting that will matter more. Voting is it. It is the most important thing for the future of the country that you can do.

All votes matter.

Your vote matters.

Do not think it doesn’t. The only time your vote doesn’t matter is when you don’t vote. Your vote matters, and it’s worth trying to convince as many people as you can to go with you and to vote the way you’re going to vote. You want to talk about power? Do that.






How to survive the riots if President Trump is re-elected

 Many, including me, are willing to bet the house that Donald Trump will be re-elected, either on November 3 as the clock nears midnight or several days or weeks afterward, when the Supreme Court finally stops the Democrats from "finding" and counting additional ballots for Sleepy Joe.

Do realize, however, that in the event of a Trump victory, that house you just bet with will be gravely endangered, as will your business, your livelihood, and even your personal safety.

Don't let your house look like this.  (YouTube screen grab, cropped.)

Lunatics under the best of conditions, liberals and leftists have already promised mostly peaceful rioting and socially just attacks on Trump-supporters if The Donald prevails.

So if you don't want your home or business burned to the ground with you in it simply because Trump won, there are several steps you must take now.

Like bulls, libs are enraged by the color red.  So now is the time to put away all your red Trump signs and paraphernalia, not to mention anything red like, say, a St. Louis Cardinals baseball cap.  Let's face it: the 2020 electoral cake is already baked; leaving that Trump sign on your lawn won't change any minds.  But it will make your home an easy target for anarchists, arsonists, and Antifarians.

And though libs are none too bright, making critical decisions based solely on emotion and dopey slogans, some of them may remember that you once had a Trump sign in your yard or wore a MAGA hat around town.  Some protective camouflage is certainly in order.

Get some poster board and colored markers and make some yard signs to fool the leftist tools who'd do you harm.  Any foolish sequence of thoughts will work, like Black Lives Matter, Love is Love, and Hire People with Hooks.  Or When It Comes to Hate, Many Are Called but Few Are Chosen.  Almost any idiotic sentiment will work; it needn't make sense.

If you live in an overwhelmingly Democrat neighborhood, a temporary chain-link fence with a couple of large Dobermans running free behind it may be required to keep you safe.

If, sadly, you live in a Democrat-run city, election time would be the perfect time to take that much deserved vacation in the Florida Keys.  But do check your homeowner's or renter's insurance policy before you board that plane, and make sure the coverage is solid and your premium's up to date.

If you plan on driving in a blue state after the election, you've got to protect yourself from the vicious mobs who'll be blocking streets and highways in protest.  God knows the police won't protect you.

One way to go would be to spray paint BLM or Strength in Diversity in letters two or three feet tall on your hood or trunk.  Sure, you'll need a costly paint job after things eventually calm down, but that's better than getting Reginald Dennyed by some social justice sociopaths.

Or, if you refuse to bow before the left-wing mob, a couple of bazookas mounted on your car roof, a la Mad Max, would certainly gain you safe passage.  If bazookas are unavailable, some flamethrowers would work just as well.

And if, for some reason, you've been considering bulletproof glass for your ride, now is the time to make that investment.  A "cowcatcher," the pointy thing on the front of old-fashioned locomotives, would also be a welcome addition to your vehicle so that when you're surrounded by mostly peaceful protesters bearing bricks and Molotov cocktails, you can hit the gas and merely deflect the soy boy marauders without killing them.

Should President Trump be re-elected, there will also be lots of Twitter-happy leftists ready to cancel your business or livelihood if they think you personally supported him.  So learning leftist lingo and utilizing it is a must.

Let's say a client or a customer or a patient says, "I gave to BLM.  Did you?"  You might be tempted to tell him to take a long walk off a short pier, but don't.  Simply take his bid, then up the ante.  "Sure, I contributed to BLM," you say with a smugness only social justice warriors can manage.  "But I also gave an entire month's salary to TLPIWTransgendered Little People in Wheelchairs!"  No one can top that.

Or you could just keep it simple, like, "Trump's so racist and divisive that I had to stop working and go on SSI disability!"  Libs love welfare and disability recipients; if you really sell your victimhood, they might just slip you a twenty or even invite you over for dinner.  Of course, if they do, you can forget about a nice steak dinner, since cow farts are clearly ruining the planet.

Worst of all, the caring, deeply concerned, arugula-loving twits on the left will be crying, wailing, gnashing their teeth and rending their garments should the Donald prevail in November.  And looking to knock the snot out of anyone who didn't vote for a corrupt senile swamp rat who spent most of the campaign season hiding out in his basement watching This is Us reruns.

The first line of defense would obviously be packing heat, although you saw what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse. Unless you know or are a terrific criminal defense lawyer, in this way lies danger now that cops in Democrat locales generally ignore the perpetrator and instead, arrest the intended victim. A better choice would be to mimic the armadillo, or if you prefer, the typical Islamic garb for women in the Middle East.

Yep, I'm talking burqas, burqas made of Kevlar with bullet-proof eyeglass. Liberals will take down Christians in a heartbeat, and Jews, fuggedaboutit! But as Barack Obama demonstrated, dropping pallets of cash in Iran in the dead of night and allowing ISIS to create a caliphate spanning Syria and Iraq, libs give a wide berth to Middle Eastern Muslims no matter how vile. Wear a carbon fiber-reinforced burqa and you're safe. A paper face mask, of course, completes the disguise.

While Donald Trump's continuance as president is the only thing standing between us and Democrat/Deep State tyranny, we can expect the left to take their infantile, albeit felonious and homicidal, behavior to new depths should he prevail in the next election. Best to celebrate using your inside voice and otherwise pretend you're one of them.

Otherwise, you just may inherit the Earth. Right in the mouth.


Obamagate, the Movie

 Phelim McAleer and his wife Ann McElhinney have made several documentaries.  The most recent and most powerful was their film about Kermit Gosnell: Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer.  Gosnell was the go-to abortion doctor in Philadelphia who had no problem killing infants born alive.

Their latest project is a staged production of the virtual texts between Russia collusion hoaxers within the FBI, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.  Strzok was a higher-up in the FBI with aspirations to go higher.  Page was Andrew McCabe's in-house lawyer who was having an affair with Strzok.  Apparently, the all-consuming quest to prevent Trump's election and then, after he was elected, the mission to take him down by any means necessary was an aphrodisiac until it wasn't.

The film, which can be seen at Obamagate the Movie.com and is embedded below, is a re-enactment of the verbatim texts between the two lovers/players; it includes the exact words not only of Strzok and Page with their various punctuation and emojis, but also texts of John Brennan and James Comey and passages of Strzok and Page before the House Judiciary Committee as they were grilled by the always impressive Jim Jordan.

The film is worth watching.  If the American public has thought that the people who hold the jobs in our institutions like the FBI were paragons of virtue, the cream of our intellectual crop, this film will be wake-up call.  These two arrogant operatives, Strzok and Page, communicate like immature middle-schoolers.  They are giddy, profane, sexually suggestive, inarticulate, and childish in the extreme.  How do people like this attain such powerful positions in our government?

It is an undeniable fact that the Obama administration weaponized the IRS, the CIA, the DOJ, and the FBI.  Obama purged our military of great generals and replaced them with men and women who were directed to diminish our military, and diminish it they did.  Trump has thankfully corrected that bit of treason and revitalized, re-supplied, and re-energized the U.S. military.  Obama hated the military; Trump and his supporters revere all those who serve.  Trump-supporters honor our law enforcement personnel; the Obama administration had contempt for them.  Neither Biden nor Harris has uttered a word of criticism of the violence perpetrated by Black Lives Matter or Antifa.  How could they?  Those rioters, arsonists, and looters are their voters, their base.

So it is no surprise that those who participated in the Russia collusion hoax believed they were doing their president's bidding.  They were.  Obama and his henchmen were all on board to take candidate Trump down and out.  Once elected, they continued their mission to see the president removed from office.  The plan was calculated and furthered by willing dupes like Strzok and Page, aspirational worker bees drunk with the perceived power of their positions in the FBI!  Both are an embarrassment to that institution.

John Brennan has humiliated the CIA.  James Clapper has disgraced the office of the director of National Intelligence.  In short, the people who have somehow risen to the top of these purportedly elite institutions are all shills for the Deep State that is shot through with corruption and abject stupidity.  No wonder Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Joe Biden were free to plunder every circumstance, every opportunity available to exploit.  And exploit they certainly did.

This enlightening film that brings to life the words of Strzok and Page is shocking, like discovering that high school seniors cannot read or do simple math.  Page made it through law school but seems so catastrophically unwise that one wonders how.  Strzok just got hired by Georgetown University to teach!  He is a graduate of that university, which means no one should send his college-aged child there ever, ever again.  It is a university devoid of a moral or ethical sense.  To hire a man so deeply corrupt is a sign of a wholesale lack of ethics.

The Obama administration did terrible damage to this country.  It set race relations back fifty years.  The American people do not care about skin color!  Only Democrat politicians do; they remain the only surviving racists.  Joe Biden is one of the worst among them.  To divide us by race is their only game.  Take a look at Biden's record of embracing the likes of Robert Byrd, his aversion to desegregation, his assumption that all blacks think as one.  Now Biden's only ploy is COVID.  It's his pathetic last grasp at power.

A Biden presidency would be the end of America as founded, the end of capitalism, entrepreneurship, the end of the freedom of speech, assembly, and religion.  Everyone can see all that on the Democrat agenda.  Over the last thirty years, the American Democrat party has been captured by the radical, communist left, and too many voters are falling for it.  Forgive them, for they know not what they are supporting: the tyrannical authoritarianism of Orwell's 1984 dystopic vision. 

All Americans should watch Obamagate, the Movie. Viewers will be shocked by the sheer sophomoric mental state of these co-conspirators of the worst kind. They are nothing more than wisdom-compromised bullies who set out to submarine the jock they envied in high schools and so loathe. That Donald Trump has been a profoundly successful president grates on them like the First and Second Amendments enrage them.

Biden and Harris are both as grindingly anti-freedom and liberty as Antifa and BLM, both organizations they support. They, and the rest of the left, are fueled by rage and a fury at their 2016 loss that cannot be abated. Their contempt for conservatives knows no bounds; they felt entitled to a Clinton victory in 2016. Now they vow there will be violence if Biden is not elected!

Who are these people? They are small-minded, spoiled children in the bodies of adults. They want things to go their way or else! Nothing reveals this more than Obamagate, the Movie. The Democrat party is in thrall to the likes of the inhabitants of Orwell's Animal Farm. That people as juvenile as Strzok and Page rose to power in what was once the gold standard of American law enforcement is beyond pathetic. That they have gotten away with nearly five years of criminal chicanery is why President Trump must be re-elected. Will the divine intervention that sealed the deal in 2016 be with us still?


The greatest stunt of the 2020 election has now produced the most inspiring ad of the campaign

 Remember when a “Trump” sign, stylistically resembling the famous hillside “Hollywood” sign, suddenly appeared one morning along a busy Los Angeles freeway? Caltrans quickly forced its removal from the private land on which it sat, as a purported “distraction,” but the mere fact of its mysterious materialization was so remarkable and iconic that it immediately joined the pantheon of the greatest campaign stunts in American history.  It has also inspired  at least one imitator.

Now, Kira Davis, one of the rare put and proud Hollywood conservatives, has tweeted a stunning two minute Trump commercial featuring the inside story of operation that erected the sign and making the point that President Trump inspires us to never accept “impossible” as a limit on what we attempt. Even winning  California back.

You will not regret the 124 seconds that you invest watching this Twitter video:



Photo credit: Twitter video screengrab











The V-shaped recovery is here

 In the third quarter, U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) grew by an all-time record high of 33.1 percent, according to the advance estimate released on October 29 by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).

For sake of comparison, the previous record occurred in the fourth quarter of 1950, when GDP grew by 13.4 percent.  The most recent quarter's phenomenal growth rate more than doubled the aforementioned record, which is a testament to the robust recovery underway.

The unprecedented third-quarter GDP growth follows the second-quarter nosedive of negative 32.8 percent.  As the BEA report notes, "[c]urrent‑dollar GDP increased 38.0 percent, or $1.64 trillion, in the third quarter to a level of $21.16 trillion.  In the second quarter, GDP decreased 32.8 percent, or $2.04 trillion."

Apart from the historic third-quarter growth rate, BEA reports that many other significant economic measures are trending toward a vigorous recovery as well.  "The increase in third quarter GDP reflected continued efforts to reopen businesses and resume activities that were postponed or restricted due to COVID-19," the report notes.

For example, "[t]he increase in real GDP reflected increases in personal consumption expenditures (PCE), private inventory investment, exports, nonresidential fixed investment, and residential fixed investment[.] ... Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, increased."

The good news keeps coming.  "The increase in PCE reflected increases in services (led by health care as well as food services and accommodations) and goods (led by motor vehicles and parts as well as clothing and footwear).  The increase in private inventory investment primarily reflected an increase in retail trade (led by motor vehicle dealers).  The increase in exports primarily reflected an increase in goods (led by automotive vehicles, engines, and parts as well as capital goods).  The increase in nonresidential fixed investment primarily reflected an increase in equipment (led by transportation equipment).  The increase in residential fixed investment primarily reflected an increase in brokers' commissions and other ownership transfer costs."

In other words, after the COVID-19 lockdowns drove the U.S. economy into the abyss during the late first quarter and throughout the second quarter, the "V-shaped recovery" has arrived.

In terms of personal income, the recovery is also right on track.  According to a White House statement, "[t]otal personal income rose above, and still remains above, pre-pandemic levels[.] ... Having added back 11.4 million jobs since April with more than 5 in 10 jobs lost in the pandemic recovered, total wages and salaries increased 5 percent in the third quarter and are now just 1.4 percent below pre-pandemic level."

That is particularly important, because consumer spending accounts for close to 70 percent of U.S. economic activity.  When Americans' wages increase, as occurred during the strong third quarter, the entire economy benefits.

Even more eye-opening is how the strong U.S. recovery compares to the anemic recoveries occurring throughout the rest of the world.  According to Deloitte Insights, the United States is on track to eclipse all other G-7 nations in a variety of economic benchmarks since the pandemic devastated the global economy in early 2020.

This can primarily be attributed, as BEA notes, to the fact that the United States has rolled back the economy-crushing lockdowns that were instituted across the nation during the early weeks of the pandemic.

On several occasions, President Trump has said, "We're coming back, and we're coming back strong."  As the data show, this is true.

However, the White House statement also paid tribute to hardworking American families, who have weathered the economic storm with typical tenacity.

"Our nation's economy is poised for continued expansion in the fourth quarter, and the strength of the recovery thus far is a testament to the fortitude and resilience of America's workers and families," the statement said.

This is the moral of the story, and it should make every American proud about what we've accomplished to date, and hopeful that the best is yet to come.



Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala

 In 2014 and 2015, then-Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Guatemala three times to pressure the government to maintain a United Nations body known as the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). CICIG was established in Guatemala in 2006 under the pretext of prosecuting "crimes committed by members of illegal security forces and clandestine security structures," during Guatemala's long civil war. Instead, CICIG -- an international body unaccountable to Guatemalan law, worked with Guatemala's Justice Ministry to arrest and jail the left's opponents. Many remain illegally detained to this day without trial. Two prominent doctors and a Guatemalan congressman died in jail. All suffered ill health, did not receive proper treatment and were detained much longer than legally allowed. None got a trial. All were absolved following their deaths.

Biden met with then-Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina, who did not want to renew CICIG's charter. The Obama administration had promised a $1 billion aid package to Northern Triangle countries (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador), but Biden made the aid and upcoming trade agreements contingent upon renewing CICIG's contract. First cajoling then threatening, Biden finally announced, "The CICIG is staying, period." Biden used this same tactic in Ukraine, where he bragged about threatening to withhold loan guarantees until the Ukrainian government fired the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden. Biden also sought Pérez's help in extending CICIG's rule to El Salvador and Honduras.

Pérez reluctantly agreed to renew CICIG's charter. He was then pressured to resign under accusations of corruption and stripped by the Guatemalan Congress of legal immunity. The day after he resigned he was arrested and thrown in jail. He has remained there ever since, without trial. In a Daily Caller interview from jail, Pérez called these efforts, "a coup without bullets."

Pérez said that, "CICIG amounts to a new form of U.S. interference in Guatemala's affairs and that his country has surrendered its sovereignty over its justice system by allowing the unit to operate."

CICIG's litany of abuses includes arbitrary arrest, detention and interrogation without charges or trial, fabricated evidence, illegal break-ins and denial of due process, pretrial detention for years longer than allowed by Guatemalan law and many other abuses. Some of the charges it has brought are valid, given endemic corruption in Guatemala. But CICIG's goal was not to stem corruption, rather to use it as a pretext to dispatch the left's enemies and install vastly more corrupt individuals who will advance the Communist cause in Guatemala.

CICIG's leader from 2013 forward was Ivan Velásquez Gómez, a former judge from Colombia with close ties to the Colombian narco-terrorist group, FARC. Former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has said that as a judge, Velásquez battled to absolve the Colombian narcoterrorists of their decades of crime and terrorist atrocities.

In addition to Velásquez Another key player has been Claudia Paz y Paz, chosen to be Guatemala's Attorney General in 2010 under pressure from CICIG and Obama's Ambassador to Guatemala, Stephen McFarland. Paz y Paz is a communist guerrilla sympathizer. Her father was a member of the Castro-supported Rebel Armed Forces (FAR) that assassinated U.S. Ambassador John Gordon Mein in 1968 and Germany's ambassador to Guatemala, Karl von Spreti, two years later.

Paz y Paz oversaw numerous extra-judicial arrests and confinement of political opponents. She was accused of giving illegal orders to judges and her own prosecutors, and shielding from legal action bands of armed leftist militias who roam rural areas terrorizing the indigenous peoples. The militias are remnants from Guatemala's civil war, in truth a Castro-supported communist insurgency (1960-1996).

She particularly targeted the military, which defeated the communist insurgency with help from the rural population. Military men have received multiple life sentences for "crimes against humanity" while judges disbar evidence proving their innocence and guilt of the guerrillas.

In 2012, a young prosecutor named Gilda Aguilar attempted to arrest members of one of these militias. Paz y Paz dropped the charges, calling the militia a "human-rights group." She threw Aguilar off the case and launched an investigation of her. Three weeks later Aguilar narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by the same group. Instead of investigating, the prosecutor asked the court to dismiss the case -- as though it had never happened. Aguilar quit and brought dereliction of duty charges against Paz y Paz.

The Obama administration pressured President Pérez to assure Paz y Paz's reappointment when her term was up in 2014, knowing full well the allegations against her. They similarly supported appointment and advancement of many other radicals, and the State Department continues to do so.

The indigenous populations of Guatemala have faced the brunt of the communist offensive in Guatemala since the beginning of the civil war. With the Obama administration's full knowledge, armed leftist militias, Paz y Paz's "human rights groups" control rural areas, sabotage or block desperately needed economic development and engage in terrorism and crime. The 20-minute video embedded below shares moving testimony from people terrorized by these groups:

The militias' spread was enthusiastically supported by the Obama administration. Their activities dramatically increased with the administration's promotion of leftists like Judge Gloria Porras and Attorney General Paz y Paz to influential positions in Guatemala's legal system. The increase in crime over this period is shown in the colored areas of the map below. They are referred to charitably as "Social Conflict Zones."


The Obama administration responded with the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program in 2012. This caused a massive exodus of minors from Northern Triangle nations illegally entering the U.S.  In 2011, the Border Patrol apprehended only 4,321 minors. That number increased to 68,541 in 2014. Most came from Guatemala. The migrant caravans that have since swamped our borders were instigated by Central American leftists with assistance from tax-exempt and taxpayer-funded, open borders groups in America. This entire effort was a premeditated campaign by the Obama administration.

More Biden pay to play?

Former President Pérez claimed in a Mexican Newsweek article that Biden pressured him to support a Guatemalan contract with the pharmaceutical firm Baxter International. He said, "We had pressure from Vice President Biden, not only when he came to Guatemala, but when I visited Washington, to grant a contract to Baxter…" Pérez asserted that:

Biden is a partner of Baxter Pharmaceuticals and [he] mentioned that even the U.S. Embassy in the country requested the meeting with his private secretary and his general secretary so they could influence Baxter to win the bid. "They were accompanied by embassy staff, Baxter representatives, to ask us and tell us that Baxter had that contract and that Baxter should win it back," he said.

Pérez's claims were repeated by Julia Amparo Lotán Garzona, the former labor sector representative of the Executive Board of the Guatemalan Institute for Social Security. In testimony before the Guatemalan Truth Commission investigating CICIG, she said:

What we can confirm is that not only this closeness between Baxter and Biden, but we can also confirm that the embassy asked for the meeting with the secretary, but that Otto Pérez Molina, my private secretary and the secretary general were able to influence Baxter to win the bid. "Isn't that influence peddling? - Otto Pérez Molina pointed out, it is influence peddling….  (Translated with DeepL Translator)

According to Truth Commission testimony, CICIG jailed employees of Guatemala's social security system, including Garzona, a nurse and union representative, without trial, on the pretext that all took bribes to replace a contract for Baxter medical equipment with equipment made in Mexico. This action was widely viewed as yet another abuse of power by CICIG, and included some people close to President  Pérez. Was it coincidental that this occurred at the same time Biden was lobbying  Pérez  to extend CICIG's contract, while also lobbying him on behalf of Baxter?  Pérez  ultimately agreed to both.

We have been unable to confirm a Biden financial interest in Baxter, but in his book, Promise Me, Dad, Biden stated: "The President asked me to take over the job of repairing our wobbly relations across the entirety of the Americas -- the Northern Triangle, Brazil, the Caribbean, everything."[1]

According to Peter Schweizer's new book Profiles in Corruption, Joe Biden met with the President of Costa Rica in 2009 and a few months later news broke of a "new multilateral partnership, 'to reform real estate in Latin America.'" Biden's brother, Frank, envisioned a huge development project with "thousands of homes, a world-class golf course, casinos, and an anti-aging center," in the Costa Rican jungle.[2]

To support the project's energy needs, the Costa Rica National Power and Light Company would build the Guanacaste Solar Park, the largest solar farm in the nation -- with Frank's company Sun Fund Americas as a partner, even though Frank had no experience in the energy field.[3] The U.S. government provided a $6.5 million loan for the project, and $47.5 for another Sun Fund solar project in Jamaica.[4]

Given the Biden family's other pay-to-play schemes in Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and who knows where else, it would seem reasonable that Biden might expect something in return for pushing Baxter. In fact, with Biden, it would be surprising if there were not some quid pro quo.

Guatemala is now on the cusp of becoming a communist state thanks to Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and their minions. This has also been in the works for decades in America, but has come out of the closet since President Trump's election.

If Joe Biden is elected president, this agenda will be turbocharged. Biden's "Build Back Better" slogan comes directly from the U.N. -- which not coincidentally calls for socialist redistribution in Latin America -- and the World Economic Forum, which envisions using the Chinese communist COVID-19 "pandemic" to "reinvent capitalism." Biden will impose smothering taxes and regulations, fling open the doors to Red China and other enemy nations, and open the border to an unprecedented flow of migrants from Central America and nations from across the globe. Amnesty for illegals will create the "permanent Progressive majority" Democrats seek. Joe Biden will line his pockets without restraint and we will lose our country. Forever. This is the most important election in our nation's history.



