

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Utah Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz told the Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly on Friday that although a key White House witness in the ill-fated Operation Fast and Furious gun-walking program is willing to testify about what he knows, the Obama administration won’t let him appear before Congress.
White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler sent a letter Thursday to Republican lawmakers Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley, refusing their request to speak with Kevin O’Reilly, a former National Security staff member whose emails place him in the middle of the unfolding scandal. Issa and Grassley had written to Ruemmler on March 28, asking the White House to step aside and let O’Reilly talk to investigators.
Grassley is the GOP ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Issa chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, whose members include Chaffetz.
“[O’Reilly’s] personal attorney indicated that he’s more than willing to talk to the committee, on the record, under oath”” Chaffetz told Kelly during her Friday afternoon broadcast. “It is only the White House and the White House Counsel that is saying they will not make him available.” (RELATED: Full coverage of Operation Fast and Furious)
During his time at the White House, records show, O’Reilly carried on an email conversation with Frank Newell, then the head of the Phoenix field office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Their emails suggest that Newell was directly briefing O’Reilly on Fast and Furious.
In one email, Newell wrote to O’Reilly, “You didn’t get this from me,” indicating that he may have been subverting the established chain of command within the Department of Justice, which oversees ATF.
In another, Newell said, “Just don’t want ATF HQ to find out, especially since this is what they should be doing (briefing you!).”
Still, Ruemmler refused in her April 5 letter to let Issa, Grassley and their investigators have access to O’Reilly.
“Over six months ago, the White House produced documents responsive to your prior request for communication between Mr. O’Reilly and ATF agent Newell,” she wrote.
“[N]one of these limited communications between Mr. O’Reilly and Mr. Newell revealed the existence of any of the inappropriate investigative tactics at issue in your inquiry, let alone any decisions to allow guns to ‘walk.’”
Ruemmler also cited executive privilege and confidentiality as reasons for denying the lawmakers’ request.
Chaffetz said that the House oversight committee did not receive the emails from the White House, even though the documents were covered by at least one of several subpoenas Congress has issued.
“A brave whistleblower stepped up and gave us these documents,” Chaffetz said on Fox News.
“We have issued twenty-two sets of subpoenas,” Chaffetz added. “For thirteen categories of those subpoenas, the White House has provided zero documents.”
Speaking specifically about the White House’s failure to fully comply with the subpoenas, Chaffetz said, “How dare you? How come you did not provide these documents to the committee when we issued this subpoena? And they unilaterally decided this was not important, which is totally unacceptable.”
“You cannot just ignore subpoenas,” the congressman insisted. “That’s why we are on a collision course where we’ll have to come to the decision to say, ‘are we going to hold the Department of Justice, Eric Holder, in contempt and go through contempt proceedings?’”

  • Ombdz 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    The Most Transparent Administration Ever strikes again! And as we saw this week, they can hide things for a while, but truth has a way of seeping out despite their best efforts ...
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  • debrock2008 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    They have had more than enough time to comply with the subpoenas, it's time to for Holder to be held in contempt. He is not above the law and doesn't get to pick and chose what is relevant to the investigation.
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  • kegan05 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    We must have a bunch of Wuss's in Congress! This has been going on for more than a year. It's time to get down to business and find the idiots in the White House in CONTEMPT!!
    Enough is enough!
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  • Robert_Fl 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    Will not make him available? What? Have they imprisoned him? How do they get to ignore the law?
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  • Randyrocker 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    As for the Republic its people and its laws, they're meant to be ignored, discounted and put aside for the greater good of the criminals in office and the dictators elected to the White House.
    Now everyone go home and be good little sheep and watch your American Idol, Glee and Snooki BS along with your popcorn and potato chips. We in the Senate and Congress along with the WH consider you stupid people if we even consider you at all.
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  • joey-bag-o'doughnuts 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    Obambi has just flipped off SCOTUS and congress. Ladies and gentlemen I see a pattern. Won't be long now.
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  • joey-bag-o'doughnuts 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    How DARE Chaffetz demand something from emperor Obama!? He is lucky that he is allowed to even look upon such dignified, strong leadership skills from a tremendous and fearless leader.
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  • JimWeneedrubio 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    Love that Obama/Holder transparency. What are these honest, misunderstood, smartest ever civil servants afraid of? I guess their just speaking in legal shorthand again. It is a free country why doesn't he just testify anyway? Does he fear for his life perhaps?
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  • Chiral 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    I declare April 14 to be "How Dare You" day.
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  • Ed 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    How many Obama and Holder effigies have secretly been burned in the USA?
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  • Ed 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    Knock off this stupid foot draging, you bunch of pussy boys!!
    I God what a bunch of whimps. Get the hell out of the way and let us REAL MEN do the job you are afraid to do!!!
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  • davecdn 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    you really think that corporate whore Romney will do anything in REALITY? Romney is nothing more than the RED side of the military industrial complex
    Obama is the BLUE side.
    Divide and Conquer, and you all just keep playing their game! so frustrating
    RON PAUL 2012
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  • Hbilleaudiii 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    Hold Eric Holder in contempt. They're hiding something. You know damn well the Democrats would if the roles were reversed!
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  • Babyboomer1960, Politically somewhere between Atilla the Hun and Genghis Khan, I often find myself perplexed and frustrated by the modern-day takers, moochers, and non-producers as the government continues to pilfer and purloin the fruits of my labor - before I even see what's left! 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    Dear Rep. Isaa, Sen. Grassley, and members of both oversight committees: Please stop with the "we're giving you one MORE chance to come clean… and we REALLY mean it this time!" business. It's obvious that Holder and the Liar-In-Chief are just stalling as they watch the clock tick down. It's time for Congress to get busy and get Fast & Furious back on the front burner of America's consciousness and time to bring it to a full boil.
    As others have posted, and anyone who has even a glimmer of a clue about this situation knows, this scandal can - and should - bring this Administration to its knees. AT VERY LEAST, I'd expect the Committees to bring a contempt of Congress charge before the Courts to force this issue. Right now, it looks like Congress is doing little more than standing around, hands on hips, stomping their feet, threatening to hold their breath until Holder et. al., comply with their requests. In case anyone has forgotten: This Administration, its key players, and political operatives all come from the Chicago Thug School of Politics. They only respond to overwhelming force. Threats of force only make them laugh. It's...
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  • Steve Jarret 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    Something you should know,.
    Owe the IRS? You're Not Going Anywhere,.
    A new bill making its way through Congress could allow the federal government to prevent Americans who owe back taxes from leaving the country.,.
    Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) in November and passed by the Senate on March 14 ,..
    Vote for a Democrat is a vote for the IRS,.
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  • Hologram5 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    Of course they are... This is most likely the smoking gun that can pin this whole thing solely on Holder AND Obama and will surely be grounds for impeachment, then prosecution. They could be held culpable for the deaths of ALL those people...
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  • AzMechanic 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    If this subversive crime were committed at a State level, several people would already be in jail - without bond. But, as with immigration, the "Feds" will not uphold their oaths of office and be responsible. The entire federal government is derelict in their respective duties, and I say this because there are Secret Service, NSA, FBI, CIA, DOD, and Congressional Police Agents that KNOW traitorous acts have been perpetrated by Barry Soetoro (aka Barrack Obama) and Eric Holder, and refuse to act.
    Like so many have already posted here; It no longer matters what THEIR party affiliations are. They are ALL culpable at this point. This has gone on far too long without any action - of any kind.
    Thomas Jefferson took responsibility when Rodney Cox was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death by firing squad. Cox was found guilty of passing info. to the enemies of the U.S. on NATIONAL BORDER SECURITY. Realizing the severity of the crime, Jefferson took it upon himself to be the sole member of the firing squad and carried out the sentence on the White House Lawn.
    Today we are all victims of the spirit of Rodney Cox having...
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  • AmericaIsPayingAttention 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    Issa/Grassley--are you going to uphold your oath of office and do your job and hold them in contempt or are you part of the problem and going to let the most corrupt administration in our lifetime drag this out past the November election? If you (Issa/Grassley) don't do your job, then you are part of the problem and need to be replaced along with BHO come November!
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  • frank 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    What in GOD's name are they waiting for?!!!!!!!!!! Those contempt charges should already have been filed! Geez!!! Is it any wonder their approval ratings are laughable?!
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  • Duane Uptain 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand
    Ummm...hello! Contempt proceedings should have started against Holder months ago! They've had way too much time to destroy evidence!
    show more show less


    White House blocking to ‘Fast and Furious’ witness who wants to testify http://t.co/5dtJWhvz
    1 hour ago

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/04/06/chaffetz-white-house-blocking-access-to-fast-and-furious-witness-who-wants-to-testify/#ixzz1rOzLQomN

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