

Saturday, September 29, 2012

How Obama's Policies are affecting you(me)

I heard good point's on a Radio talk show......

High gas prices...Obama wants electric cars over gas. He said that gas will rise before his 2008 election.  No complaints from Media!

Higher home heating and cooling cost..... He wants windmills and solar, and shutting down coal mines.  Solar and wind to expensive and is subsidized by the Government(tax money). Coal is cheaper  to mine than solar and wind is to build the infrastructure. Nothing From the Media

Healthcare premiums have rose Under Obama's Term.....Spending on health care rose 4.6 percent in 2011 — up $4,500 per person, on average — according to the nonpartisan Health Care Cost Institute. That’s up from a 3.8 growth rate in 2010...Nothing from the mainstream media!

Unemployment is still up over 8% and could be hire with all the People that stopped looking for work or went on disability.    What gets me still is when the Libs and Obama keep saying they created 4.5 or now 5 million jobs under his watch. There are less people working today than when he put his stimulous out there. Media twist this to say things are getting better

Welfare Spending Skyrockets, Poverty Rate Remains Unchanged Under Obama
Remember he is fighting for the middle class. Apparently not the low income or poverty people. The last 8 months he has been in campaign mode and nothing else.

Inflation is higher....You can say the cost of almost anything you buy is higher than when Obama took office...and why?   Maybe the QE1 QE2 QE3. They are simply printing money to stimulate the economy. The first 2 did not work and now they are doing it again. By printing money as they say the value of the dollar drops.

 I think these were 6 major ones mentioned. As the debt goes up its going to cost everyone more to pay some type of tax. If Obama is re-elected with no more in front of him, what will stop him from doubling down on his spending. we know he wont cut any debt as promised,because he already added 6  trillion to it instead of cutting it in half as promised.

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