

Friday, October 26, 2012

Letterman just realized Obama is a liar, you guys Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/10/24/letterman-just-realized-obama-is-a-liar-you-guys/#ixzz2ASD2YKGA

More on this.....

Courtesy of Newsbusters:
Putting aside Letterman’s claim that he automatically believes the President of the United States because he’s the President of the United States — which didn’t seem to be operative between, oh, 2001-2009 — it’s startling to hear such a steadfast Obama booster blasting him like this. Romney really did shake everything up at that first debate, didn’t he? Can you imagine Letterman saying something like this just a month ago? Suddenly, everybody realizes that they can disagree with Obama. Why, they can even do so publicly. How freeing that must feel.
Letterman is co-owner of a racing team, so maybe that’s why Obama’s latest Detroit lie rankled him, out of all the other lies. I wonder how he felt when he realized that just last month, Obama told an even worse lie right to his face?
President Barack Obama says the man behind an anti-Islam movie that ignited violence across the Middle East is a “shadowy character.”
U.S. officials blame the film in part for the violence in Libya, where U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed…
Obama made the comments in a taped interview with David Letterman being aired Tuesday night.
Yep, there were cameras and microphones and everything. Just look. (Sorry about the Italian subtitles. This was the only clip I could find that’s cued right up to that part of the interview.)

Obama lied, Dave cried.
I’m sure Letterman will go right back to condemning Romney for being a fatcat, and then jetting off for a weekend in St. Barts. But hey, it’s a start.
P.S. Hmmm, maybe Dave’s just trying to keep up with the competition?

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/10/24/letterman-just-realized-obama-is-a-liar-you-guys/#ixzz2ASDPAW4b


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