

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dear Obamacareocrats – It SUCKS to be YOU!!!

This website is good and Hard Hitting!

Dear Liberals, Socialists…Obamacareocrats All,
You remember Obamacare, don’t you?
It hasn’t written a book and there’s no bridge attached to it but…It’s a “BIG F***ING DEAL” according to Joe Biden.
Yeah…THAT Obamacare.
The numbers are starting to trickle in and, if you happen to be an Obamacareocrat, it sucks to be you today.
We, as Conservatives, hate to say “we told you so” but…
We did…You know it and….We were spot on again.
Guess who’s been signing up for socialism?
Here’s a hint…It’s not the Red Bull and Resume set.
It’s more the Depends and Dinner at 4pm set.
You know exactly who we’re talking about here. It’s the older and, not so finely fettled Americans, that are flocking to Obamacare with all their collective aches, pains, ills and, in some cases, anal leakage for which, it is suggested by big pharma, that they seek the advice of a doctor…
IF they can now find one.
The young and fit seem fit to be tied when they see the premium and deductible rates of Obamacare, not to mention their co-pays.
It turns out they just can’t afford the new and improved socialist “affordable” care scam nearly as much as they COULD afford the old, stale, overpriced and bum-deal insurance they had, liked and were promised they could keep.
Promises, promises huh?
A report, released like a shart in the dark on Monday afternoon, shows that of the something like 2.1 million who have “enrolled” but, not necessarily PAID for Obamacrap, only 24% are those in the age demographic necessary to make the socialist system of bureaucrat doled out healthcare, sustainable.
That’s right socialists…Young adults in the 18-34 age group…Those least likely to actually NEED healthcare, make up only 24% of those willing to turn their healthcare decisions over to a 15 member panel of appointed bureaucrats and, their most sensitive information over to a website sporting absolutely no security.
Come to think of it, that’s not very sporting at all.
Without at LEAST an “enrollment” rate showing 40% of young adults…Obamacare just doesn’t have enough of other people’s money to get those who need a boost, to reach for their pudding, the healthcare they need.
Oh, how it must suck to be an Obamacareocrat.
As long as you’re down, we may as well kick ya, don’t ya think?
Here is yet another set of figures that will have  you socialists ready to kvetch.
That 2.1 million figure mentioned earlier? Well, that’s not the ONLY number being released by HHS.
The Sebelius Foundation for the Mentally Malfunctioning has also made public the grand number of…
Drum roll please…
5,572,305!!! That’s Five Million…Five Hundred Seventy Two Thousand…Three Hundred and Five…For the common core, comma challenged liberals out there and, that is the number of folks that Sebelius says have signed up for…OBAMACARE!!!!!
Not so fast liberals and socialists…Grab your Malox because…
THOSE are the TAKERS…The people who will be sucking on socialism’s teat until the well runs dry and, with more than 5.5 million of them…That’s Five and a Half MILLION for the common core, decimal point challenged out there…It shouldn’t take long before the honey-sweet elixir, of being supported by the HAVES, has the HAVE NOTS, as arid as a high noon desert breeze.
While you ponder THAT thought…Let’s review…
Socialists…You have more than TWICE as many TAKING OUT OF compared to  those PAYING IN TO Obamacare and OF those willing to pay…Only 24% are young enough not to drain out as much as they might put in and…We STILL don’t have any figures as to how many have actually PAID a premium but, according to the insurance industry itself…THAT figure scrapes the ground under the barrel at less than…20%.
This is not only a losing proposition for the Obamacareocrats but, a losing proposition for insurance companies too and, THEY’RE starting to scream bloody hell about it.
So, what’s a Dictator to do?
The A-Hole’s ace in the hole is Section 1342 of the 2700 plus page socialistcare act and THAT section says that, if the insurance companies…Those deemed far too greedy to be allowed to operate in a free market economy BY the Obamacareocrats, aren’t making enough money for their liking…the GOVERNMENT will BAIL THEM OUT!!!
Wait, what?
Naturally, since government doesn’t have anything in THEIR pockets that they didn’t take out of YOUR pockets…YOU AND I…IN A MOST DECIDEDLY BIPARTISAN SCREWING…WILL BE BAILING OUT THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY FROM…OUR POCKETS!!!
Let’s review again shall we?
That means that the insurance premiums that are now unaffordable due to Obamacare, won’t be the only money those signing up and paying for Obamacare will be paying. You’ll need to ADD IN the amount of your TAXPAYER dollars that are ALSO paying for socialized health insurance company BAILOUTS and, don’t forget about those deductibles that are rising faster than a TAXPAYER-FUNDED Medicaid patient on Viagra…
Out of your pocket…You will be paying MORE for your insurance…MORE for your copay and MORE for your DEDUCTIBLE thus…it’s going to be a lot LONGER before your over-priced “affordable” healthcare pays out one thin dime to a doctor who probably knows nothing of your medical history if, and ONLY if, a 15 member panel of appointed BUREAUCRATS says it’s okay to pay at all.
But, guess what…You’re not done paying for Obamacare YET.
You see…YOUR DICTATOR…Is going to try to SHOVE Obamacare down America’s throat AGAIN with a CONCENTRATED…HIGH PROFILE…ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN and your tax dollars are paying for that too.
First…BEFORE the Obamacare website roll out…Obama enlisted a bunch of A-List Hollywood socialists to pitch Obamacare but…THEY EVAPORATED AS SOON AS THE WEBSITE CRASHED.
Basically…1 minute after launch at 12:01 EST on October 1st.
Next…YOUR tax dollars paid for the “ADORABLE CARE ACT” ads that tried to convince people that Obamacare was really a fuzzy little ducky.
That didn’t work because people recognized the difference between getting screwed by socialism and a…ducky…right away.
THEN…They produced ads with FRAT BOYS doing KEG STANDS and horny college GIRLS wanting to do what monkeys do to FOOTBALLS with their KEG STANDING BOYFRIENDS but…THAT got a lot of college students drunk and laid but…
It didn’t drive the college crowd to waste their money on OBAMACARE when there’s BEER and…A GOOD TIME to be had.
After that…Your tax dollars went to produce ads for Obamacare featuring DRAG QUEENS and GAY MEN prancing about in their underwear.
Gee whiz…THAT didn’t sell Obamacare like space heaters to penguins???
No…Sadly, the small fraction of the gay community that WOULD have bought in never saw those ads…They were too busy trying to get DUCK DYNASTY off the air and, by the way…THE NEW SEASON OF DUCK DYNASTY STARTS TONIGHT!!!
Pajama boy?
Seriously…PAJAMA BOY????
You idiots are burning dollars faster than Al Gore at a private jet auction.
And what do you have to SHOW for it so far? 5.5 million people sucking the system dry…Less than 1/3 of the “enrollees” you need my March of which…Only 24% are in the demographic necessary to carry this load of crap…Maybe as many of 20% altogether who have actually PAID for their Obamacare insurance…More people thrown OFF the insurance your Dictator LIED about them being able to KEEP than those who have ENROLLED in socialism with MORE CANCELLATIONS TO COME…Your own candidates running, like scalded blue dogs, away from the impending disaster and a looming taxpayer funded bailout of the evil, greedy insurance companies???
And yet, there you are…Hanging your dunce caps on that 2.1 million who have supposedly “enrolled” and trying to spin THAT into something grand.
Well…Let me just tell you a little something about that 2.1 million.
Of that number…2,082,840…According to released figures…1,646,237—or 79%…QUALIFY FOR FEDERAL…TAXPAYER SUBSIDIES while a scant 21%—did not.
For the fractionally challenged, common core Obamacareocrats out there…That equates to 5 people flushing the Obamacare toilet for every 1 that will be pissing into it.
I know…Admitting that Ted Cruz was RIGHT isn’t nearly as much fun as poking a New Jersey RINO is the rump with a sharp stick but…You need to know THIS too…You’re doing the CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT a real FAVOR on BOTH counts.
The collapse of Obamacare and, the soon-to-be processed bailout of insurance companies helps CONSERVATIVES in the 2014 midterms while…Your RINO RUMP swordsmanship helps us in 2016.
Yep…It sucks to be you.



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