

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Bill Clinton is now staring at the underside of the Democrats' bus

Karma finally has caught up with Bill Clinton.  It wasn't supposed to turn out this way, in his mind, and it's all Donald Trump's fault (as is everything wrong with the world, if you are a national Democrat).  Had Hillary brought him back to the White House as the historic "first gentleman," none of the humiliation that he now is enduring would be his lot.  Harvey Weinstein would still be raising megabucks for Democrats; Charlie Rose would still be interviewing bien pensantpoliticians, actors, and writers; and the thriller novel purportedly "co-written" by James Patterson and Bill Clinton would be receiving nothing but adoring reviews and softball questions on the publicity tour.
Instead, the explosion of the #MeToo movement, aimed at hyping the gravity of sexual improprieties by powerful men with powerless women (this means you, Donald "you can grab 'em by the p----" Trump!), has unleashed the furies long bottled up by the political utility of Bill Clinton.
Thus, Craig Melvin of NBC News dared to ask Bill Clinton and his "co-author," James Patterson, about Monica Lewinsky and whether she was owed an apology.
As American Thinker readers already know, all hell has broken loose over the awkward, self-serving, disingenuous answers offered by Clinton, especially the suggestion that he is the victim here, because he left office $16 million in debt, and that "this was litigated 20 years ago.  Two thirds of the American people sided with me."

That was then; this is now.  Female voters are the single biggest demographic slice of the nation that favors Democrats in national elections – more specifically, unmarried female voters, the kind of females most likely to endure unwelcome attentions and worse.  The genie is out of the bottle, the toothpaste has exited the tube, and tens of millions of women are very angry.
Back when he was in office and his wife had prospects for the presidency, it was worthwhile covering up Bill's offenses.  But Hillary's defeat means there is no upside at all and considerable downside for Democrats in defending him.
Thus, we have the spectacle of Democrats discovering their indignation twenty years after the fact.  Mika Brzezinski was one of the first highly visible media figures to call out Bill:
"It has been for decades an unbelievable double standard that the Clintons have used and abused, where nobody is allowed to go there on this issue," Brzezinski said.  "And in the age of #MeToo, women are supposed to go there, and men, by the way."
"We're supposed to be able to say what the difference is between right and wrong, and when you have done something wrong, you are supposed to own it and not talk about facts, distorted facts and obstructed facts."
Her MSNBC colleague Katy Tur wondered why Clinton couldn't just apologize:
Why was he so combative in that interview?  Why didn't he just say "hey, listen, it's a different time, I feel badly for the way things went down, I feel badly for how Monica Lewinsky was treated, I'm sorry"?
This morning, with time to reflect, the media are getting even more aggressive.  Will Rahn, managing editor for politics at CBS News, is calling on Clinton to "go away."  He is, to borrow a term Clinton's veep made famous, an "inconvenient" ex-president, a reminder not only that the Democrats were willing to sacrifice powerless women for political gain, but that a good economy can excuse presidential lying under oath when it comes to impeachment.
Honestly, Bill Clinton does not look like a healthy man to me, and for that matter, there is good reason to doubt the health of his wife, Hillary.  I wish neither of them ill health, both on humanitarian grounds and on the delight I take in seeing the consequences of their actions coming due in the months and years ahead.
As for James Patterson, I have to wonder if he regrets his little adventure in "co-writing."  It couldn't have been money that motivated him, for he is reputed to be the best selling living author.  I speculate that it was an entrée to better dinner parties and public events that persuaded him to adapt his winning bestseller formula.  Now his reputation is not enhanced, but harmed by his linking to Bill Clinton's.

Screen grab, NBC.
The late Jim McDougall, a business partner of the Clintons in their Arkansas days who went to prison, famously said, "I think the Clintons are really sort of like tornadoes moving through people's lives.  I'm just one of the people left in the wake of their passing by."
There is more karma yet to unfold.  Count on it.

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