

Sunday, June 3, 2018

CHUCK IN CHARGE: Schumer Tells The Media To Cover Up Spygate

Oh boo hoo you big piece of shit

Chuck Schumer is now barking orders at the media. He wants the press to stop covering Spygate or to at least call it a lie when they do mention it.
Conservative Review reports:
Up-Chuck Schumer orders media to cover up ‘Spygate’
On Monday, while most Americans were remembering the sacrifice of fallen service members, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., gave instruction to the mainstream media via tweet. The chief Democrat of the U.S. Senate wants President Donald Trump to be taken to task for using the term “Spygate” and insists that there is “absolutely no evidence of a spy” being placed in the 2016 Trump campaign.
First, to quote the great Mark Levin, “the evidence is overwhelming” that there was an informant involved in disseminating intelligence about the Trump campaign to the CIA and the FBI. Both the New York Times and the Washington Post reported it. The Daily Caller connected the dots and identified Stefan Halper, a Cambridge professor with ties to the CIA and the British intelligence agency MI-6, as the “informant.” The argument over whether an “informant” is the same thing as a “spy” is semantics. Halper was tasked by the FBI to meet Trump campaign officials and report any evidence of Russian collusion (there is still no evidence so far). An individual who gathers intelligence and reports it sounds an awful lot like a spy.
Will the media follow Schumer’s orders?

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