

Sunday, June 3, 2018

CNN is part of the deep state, and its fake “journalists” may be subject to arrest and prosecution just like other traitors who tried to frame Trump

(Natural News) A fresh batch of now-unveiled emails recently obtained by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) contains some shocking revelations about the collusion that’s been taking place between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and fake news network CNN in their joint effort to take down President Trump.
We now know that the FBI put together a “sensitive matter team” prior to the president’s inauguration that actively discussed the details of the infamous Steele dossier with CNN before the fake news network decided to break the story on former FBI Director James Comey’s briefing of it with President Trump.
These emails show that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fully aware of the fact that CNN was being briefed by the FBI on the details of the dossier briefing, as well as the fact that FBI officials on the “sensitive matter team” were discussing these correspondences using coded language in their back-and-forth emails.
The now-debunked dossier, which was jointly funded by both the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), contains a slew of unfounded allegations against President Trump, including that he colluded with the Russians to “steal” the presidential election. But the truth of the matter, as revealed in these latest emails, is that the FBI colluded with CNN to spread lies about a lawfully-elected president in an effort to unseat him.

Obama crony Laura Jarrett, daughter of former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett, was hired by CNN in Fall 2016 to coordinate planned takedown of Trump

A timeline of the email correspondence between FBI officials, the “sensitive matter team” and CNN reveals the following:

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• On January 6, 2017, at 9:44 a.m., FBI Chief of Staff James Rybicki sent an email to unspecified recipients explaining that “the director is coming into HQ briefly now for an update from the sensitive matter team.”
• Later that day, then-FBI Director James Comey met with President-elect Trump to discuss the dossier.

• On January 8, just after noon, then-FBI Deputy Director McCabe sent an email to senior FBI leadership with the subject line, “Flood is coming.” In the body of his email, McCabe admitted that “CNN is close to going forward with the sensitive story” – again using coded language. He added that CNN receiving a copy of what was discussed during Comey’s meeting with President Trump was the “trigger” for publishing the story.• The next day, on January 7, Comey sent an email to other FBI leadership explaining that “there was something that Clapper wanted me to speak to PE [President Elect] about alone or in a very small group.” Comey added: “I then executed the sessions exactly as I had planned,” and “I said media like CNN had them and were looking for a news hook.”
• Less than one hour later, McCabe emailed then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and then-Principal Deputy Attorney General Matthew Axelrod a heads-up about the fact that CNN was “close to running a story about the sensitive reporting.”
And just two days later, CNN did exactly that, igniting a fake news firestorm of hysteria about baseless accusations of Trump-Russia collusion that never actually happened. And working her magic behind the scenes was none other than Laura Jarrett, the daughter of top Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett, who was hired by CNN back in the fall of 2016 to cover events at the Justice Department.
American Lookout reported:
The network announced in a press release that Valerie Jarrett’s daughter Laura would be one of four reporters to cover the Justice Department in 2017. The New York Post broke the news that Jarrett had been hired in September, though a formal announcement about her beat did not come until Thursday.
For a full timeline of all the collusion and treason that took place between the FBI, Obama, Comey, Clinton and many others, check out this link.
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