

Monday, June 11, 2018

Hypocrisy and the left

Obstruction, resistance, and lewdness are the leftists' approach.  No matter what President Trump does, he will always be criticized.
The Democrats and mainstream media say President Trump is anti-women.  Yet Samantha Bee calls Ivanka the "C"-word.  The Democrats and mainstream media say they are in favor of diversity, yet late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel rolled footage of the first lady reading a children's book, and the audience laughed at her accent.  When she read, "... ask lots of questions about this and that," the audience laughed louder.  For further comic effect, Kimmel repeated, "About dees and dat."
The Democrats and mainstream media call President Trump a warmonger after his statement about North Korea being met with fire and fury; many had the attitude of Representative David Cicilline, D-Rhode Island, who said in a tweet, "This is not a time for escalating rhetoric that threatens to bring the world to the brink of war."  But now they criticize him for his diplomatic moves.  Even Bill Maher argues against the liberal trashing of this meeting by cable news networks, quoting one of them as saying, "Well, we'll just be giving Kim the respect he and his family has [sic] always craved."
Anyone who looks at the picture of Merkel and Trump being circulated by the left sees their insincerity.  I wonder, if it was reversed, if people would accuse him of bullying her.  The way she is leaning forward with a stern face, hands on the table, and Trump sitting down.  I guess the Germans forgot that even though they were so brutal, the U.S. was still willing to help them to become an economic power.  Why is she not being accused of bullying?  President Trump only wanted a complete removal of the trade barriers and a fair playing ground.  But when have the Germans ever been fair?
It is all about hating President Trump and the first family.  Hypocrisy seems to be the Democrats' and the leftist media's middle name. 

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