

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Speaking of witness-tampering, Mr. Mueller...

President Trump's former campaign chief, Paul Manafort, is being charged with additional crimes involving tampering with witnesses. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation supposedly was about Russian collusion, but even the Associated Press admits that factually, these and other charges, are not related to Russian collusion, writing:
The charges do not relate to Manafort's work on the Trump campaign or involve allegations of Russian election interference, a fact that the president has routinely noted as he tried to distance himself from his former top campaign adviser. 
Mueller and others tamper with witnesses everyday. They charge people to get them to flip. They give immunity. Yet no one is charged for those acts, so obviously, they are above the law. This article says a lot. They are charging Manafort with additional charges because he is just too aggressive on his defense. Heaven forbid that a defendant is too aggressive in their own defense. They must be punished.
From the AP article:  
The latest charges increase Manafort's legal jeopardy if he continues an aggressive battle with prosecutors
Look at how much Mueller and the FBI hide from the public and Congress on why the Russian collusion began in the first place. People from the Justice Department have lied continuously, and yet they haven't been charged.
It is a witch hunt. Mueller has an unlimited budget to search for crimes instead of investigating crimes. Why won't Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein share the documents that he gave to Mueller, telling him what he is limited to on his investigation?
Look at how Mueller treated Michael Flynn. There was never any evidence that he committed any crime and Comey and other FBI agents said he didn't commit perjury yet Mueller charged him anyway and he pleaded guilty.  Mueller hid the evidence from Flynn that no one thought he was guilty and Flynn was going broke so he pleaded "guilty."
Does anyone think Michael Cohen would have been targeted if he wasn't associated with Trump? Mueller and his team have a target and they don't really care how many people or families they destroy and bankrupt to get to their goal. They are essentially tampering with witnesses to get them to flip on Trump. 
This investigation has nothing to do with Russian collusion and never did because there was never any actual evidence. The only charges so far that are remotely related to the Russians are where Mueller charged several Russian people and companies with meddling in our election. Mueller believed these people and companies would never show up, so they were charged. One company did show up to defend itself and Mueller pleaded that they needed time to prepare for trial. Shouldn't they have had the evidence ready when they charged them? Does Mueller have actual evidence? After all, the biggest charge that there was meddling was in the hacking of the Democratic National Committe emails, yet the DNC never allowed the government to see the computers. 
Mueller, and erstwhile FBI Director James Comey and others have been at this targeting scheme for a long time. Just look at how they destroyed Scooter Libby more than a decade ago. In 2003, they supposedly were concerned that CIA employee Valerie Plame's name was leaked to the press. They knew early on that Richard Armitage actually leaked Plame's name, but didn't care. Armitage was never charged. Nor did they seem terribly concerned about Plame. They just used her claims as an excuse for an endless investigation about Bush. They were in search of other evidence to destroy Bush and didn't care who they harmed. Libby was their scalp.
Meanwhile, while Mueller and his team are willing to destroy and tamper with anyone around Trump, yet for more than eight years, they did everything to protect all the criminal activity around President Obama. They know Hillary Clinton and her aides were continuously guilty of mishandling classified information in multiple ways, and were running a pay-to-play operation between the State Department and her foundation, yet they only did a pretend investigation, and everything they could to protect them from prosecution. They also protected IRS non-profits chief Lois Lerner, CIA Director John Brennan, Attorney General Eric Holder, National Intelligence chief James Clapper, and Obama himself.  No matter how much they lied, spied, leaked or unmasked, they were shielded from prosecution. 
Obama essentially had a fiefdom where the Justice department, FBI, IRS and intelligence agencies would do exactly as they were told. People he wanted to be targeted were targeted and people he wanted to be protected were protected. It is truly a shame that the biased media targeted the same people as Obama and protected the same people as Obama. The journalists absolutely did not do their job of protecting the public from the powerful. The media to this day repeats the Comey lie that the Justice department wasn't political under Obama.
Should the Justice department have so much power and the people have so little? 
The true danger to our democracy is an out-of-control and powerful government bureaucracy, and a media that supports them as long as they are targeting the same people they are. 




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