

Sunday, June 10, 2018

State Democrat Parties Accused of Illegally Funneling $84 Million Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

As many as 40 state Democrat parties are implicated in a large scheme to circumvent campaign finance laws in order to illegally funnel money to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. 

A federal lawsuit filed in a Virginia court this week by attorney Dan Backer accused as many as 40 state Democrat parties of illegally funneling $84 million into Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
“You had individuals giving $300,000. They’re not doing it because they care about Nevada’s or Arkansas’ state party. They’re doing it to curry favor with and buy influence with Hillary Clinton,” Dan Backer told the Las Vegas Review Journal.
Attorney Dan Backer told the paper he filed the lawsuit after the FEC ignored a deadline for taking action stemming from a previous complaint.
Various spokesmen for state Democrat parties pushed back on the lawsuit claiming it’s a publicity stunt to distract from problems plaguing the Republican party.
As The Gateway Pundit reported in December, Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC got hit with their second FEC complaint.
The complaint alleged Hillary and the DNC used state chapters as strawmen to go around campaign donation limits and ultimately laundered the money [$84 million] back to her presidential campaign.
CDP (Committee to Defend the President) counsel Dan Backer points to a SCOTUS case that first recognized this exact practice as illegal.
CDP counsel Dan Backer said the scheme was a flagrant violation of a Supreme Court ruling that determined such moves were illegal — and broke FEC campaign contribution rules which state that an individual can contribute only $2,700 directly to a presidential campaign.
[SCOTUS] first recognized these practices were illegal when it ruled in a 2014 case involving Shaun McCutcheon, a businessman and electrical engineer from suburban Birmingham, Ala., who created the Conservative Action Fund PAC. McCutcheon filed suit against the FEC challenging federal campaign contribution limits. It was Backer who assisted in filing the suit.
According to the complaint filed, previous reports showed transactions where the Hillary Victory Fund disbursed contributions to its state party committee members and they would receive the money on the same day.
The HVF would also allegedly disburse funds to up to 40 state parties at the same time, and those parties would send the money back within 24 hours, Fox News reported.
This FEC complaint parallels Donna Brazile’s account outlined in her explosive book, ‘Hacks’ where the former interim DNC Chairwoman alleges Hillary took complete control over the DNC.
Hillary Clinton is an expert at money laundering. Just look to the Clinton Foundation to see where she got the idea.
The FBI raided Trump’s personal attorney over $130,000 ‘hush payment’ to Stormy Daniels alleging the payment to be a possible violation of campaign finance laws.
Where’s the FBI raid into Hillary’s cronies over the alleged $84 million campaign finance violation?

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