

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Wasserman Schultz Assisted Imran Awan with Land Deal – Screamed “F*cking Islamophobe!” at House Official Investigating Her Dear Imran

The Corruption still stinks with the Left

Remember: Democrats will kill this investigation if they win back the House.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Pakistani IT “expert” Imran Awan were very close.
The more you learn about Democratic IT scammer Imran Awan — the more you see the profile of a bold and careless criminal mind.
Imran Awan worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz for thirteen years since she came into office in 2004 as a Florida representative. She would have kept paying her “IT expert” even when he was living in Pakistan.
Three Pakistani brothers who managed the IT affairs for several Democratic government officials were relieved of their duties in February 2017 on suspicion that they accessed specific computer networks without permission, also known as hacking.
Imran Awan, who started working for Wasserman Schultz in 2005, received $164,600 in 2016, with close to $20,000 of that coming from Wasserman Schultz.
His brother Jamal, who started working as a staffer in 2014, was paid $157,350.12 in 2016. Abid, who started working in 2005, was paid $160,943 in 2016.
Imran’s wife, Hina Alvi, who was employed as a staffer since February 2007, was paid 168,300 in 2016. Rao Abbas was paid $85,049 in 2016.
Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives in February.

Most of the House Members fired the Awans subsequently.

Only Debbie Wasserman Schultz kept Imran Awan on the pay roll up to the day he got arrest for Bank Fraud after trying to flee the country.

The rest of the family fled to Pakistan along with hundreds of thousands of funds they mysteriously were able to wire.
Democrats were willing or unwillingly compromised by the Awans and sensitive information may have been leaked to foreign enemies!  (Muslim Brotherhood – Yemen Raid with dead soldier for example?) Many of the Democrats have Seats on Committees that handle highly sensitive information.
Imran Awan’s trial has been delayed several times.
More information is coming out on Imran Awan and his criminal activities.
Awan pretended to be his wife when requesting a loan from the Congressional Federal Credit Union and got it! He had the credit union wire $165,000 to PAKISTAN – no questions asked.
And now we know that Debbie Wasserman Schultz helped Imran Awan in a Pakistani land deal.

We also know that Wasserman Schultz screamed profanities at a House official who was investigating Imran Awan.

And…. We now know that they were so close that Wasserman Schultz picked out the name for his daughter Leza.

Luke Rosiak at The Daily Caller reported:
Ex-Democratic National Committee head Debbie Wasserman Schultz said she intervened in a Pakistani land deal involving her then–IT aide Imran Awan, according to two House employees. The dispute came after Awan’s father was charged with fraud in relation to the deal, and the mysterious exertion of political influence resulted in Pakistani authorities instead targeting the elderly alleged victims, according to a local report.
And when a House Office of Inspector General cybersecurity investigation found that Awan made “unauthorized access” to House servers, including the House Democratic Caucus’ shortly before the election, Wasserman Schultz became “frantic, not normal,” “making the rounds” to House officials in an attempt to kill the investigation, one House employee told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Awan told people Wasserman Schultz chose the name for his daughter, Leza — a Jewish name — and that the Florida congresswoman’s daughter regularly rode a horse that Awan kept at a boarding facility, sources with knowledge of the relationship told TheDCNF.
Wasserman Schultz cornered House Chief Administrative Officer Phil Kiko and called him a “fucking Islamophobe,” saying “you will not so much as take away their parking spots,” the two House employees said Kiko told them.


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