

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Eavesdropping on Obama’s revolutionary guards (Organizing for Action)

There is nothing like the local coffee shop near my home to hear the unvarnished truth.  Tuesday morning, I was sitting with my morning brew reading how wonderful it was that the Dodgers got slam dunked, when a group of 12 folks, mostly in their 20’s, and the leader in her forties, orders and they sit across from me at a large table and hold their meeting. They are the true believers; door bell ringers for the Democratic candidate for the California Assembly in my district.
The leader was real piece of work, white, sour faced, short hair, no makeup, black jeans and black tee, and wearing a black and white “Palestinian” keffiyeh around her neck, and carrying a notebook with the OFA (Organizing for Action) logo. Yes, Obama’s own Revolutionary Guards.
Let me report just the most salient instruction that was told to these folks… lie. In a nutshell, the leader said to ask the home owners you contact what their political concerns are, then feed these concerns back as positive positions for the candidate. Taxes too high? Feed back that the candidate wants to lower taxes. More gun control? Feed back that the candidate want more gun control. Too many immigrants? Feed back that the candidate wants to review the situation. 
This went on, ad nauseum, for 15 minutes.
Then one woman asks the leader about the candidate’s position on Israel and what should they say? I stare at my laptop, listening, not daring to look at the group. 

The leader clears her throat and softly says, “Tell them Trump is Hitler, and only the Democrats can save the Jews from the next Holocaust.” 
The woman who first asked the Israel question then asks, “But what if their concern is that there are already too many Jews in positions of power in America? Ya know, they are already on-board with us?”
I look up for a moment.
The leader smiled like a hungry shark, ”Give them the usual feedback loop, but don’t leave until you get their email address and a phone number. Those folks are our most valued future recruits, and will get personal attention from the state and national OFA.”
My wife would be proud, I just got up and left. I walked back home, saying prayers for our Republic’s future.


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