

Thursday, December 27, 2018

NeverTrumps: Soulless, disgraces, frauds

President Trump ran on an agenda of lowering tax rates, reducing federal regulations, ending unfair trade practices, appointing judges who apply the Constitution as written, and most importantly building a wall on the Mexican border to protect Americans.  It is difficult to imagine that any Republican would oppose this agenda.  Yet the NeverTrump gang, from National Review to the Weekly Standard to the Bushies at Fox News, do nothing but attack President Trump as bad as the Schumer-Pelosi Democrats and the Hate Trump Media.  The best example of this NeverTrump derangement is the opposition to the wall.
In 2006, Congress passed the Secure Fence Act, which was to provide for over 700 miles of double-link fencing.  It passed the House 283 to 138 and the Senate 80 to 19.
But now the Dems who supported the Fence Act oppose a wall.  The difference between a fence and a wall is a distinction without a difference.
So why the opposition by the Dems and the NeverTrumps?
I received as Christmas gifts and started to reread Homer's Iliad and Dante's Inferno.  There are two passages that describe the weak, spineless supposedly Republican NeverTrump senators who refuse to support President Trump's call to get rid of the cloture to allow a vote in the Senate on the funding of the wall.  They are Senators Jeff Flake, Lamar Alexander, and Orrin Hatch, and probably others not yet identified.

In Canto III, Dante describes a room reserved for the Opportunists, who in life stood neither for good nor for evil, but for themselves.  They did not take a position in life and are unworthy of either Hell or Heaven.
These worthless, spineless NeverTrumps refuse to take a stand on voting to fund the wall and instead hide behind a rule that requires 60 votes, which means that at least ten Democrats would have to support a vote on the wall.  The Dems will not support funding the wall.
Dante describes such people as follows:
These are the nearly soulless
Whose lives concluded neither blame nor praise.
They are mixed here with that despicable corps
Of angels who were neither for God nor Satan,
But only for themselves. The High Creator
Scourged them from Heaven for its perfect beauty,
And Hell will not receive them since the wicked
Might feel some glory over them.
This band of so-called Republicans will not allow a vote on funding the wall, which means they will not fight to protect the safety of Americans by stopping drug-smuggling and illegal aliens.
In Book 8 of the Iliad, King Agamemnon tries to rally his Greek army that is running away in a battle against the Trojans by shaming them:
"Shame on you, Argives – disgraces, pretty boys, frauds!  What happened to our boasts about being the bravest of men?  (See, Homer,The Iliad, translated by Stephen Mitchell, Weidefeld & Nicolson, London, 2011.)
In 2006, they boasted about securing the border. Now they oppose it because they hate President Trump.  They are disgraces, frauds, pretty-boys, who do not support the president and leader of their party in the most important issue and battle: building the wall.
We expect such disgrace and fraud from the Schumer-Pelosi Democrats whose sole interest is opposing President Trump, regardless of the cost to the safety of Americans.  But Republican senators should support our president.  They do not, and they have no shame.




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