

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Special Report A Stone Left Unturned — So Far

There is a teaching in the Talmud that, when the Angel of Death is set loose on a broad-based mission, it does not distinguish between good and evil people. The Mueller Investigation’s latest scalp, that of Roger Stone, reminds me of that teaching.
It now is two years of this Mueller Thing. Despite constant rumors that its conclusion is near, no short-term end is in sight. I often have written that I can see this thing going on for two, even for six years, until the end of the Trump presidency. The investigation’s funding is unlimited. There is no end date in the assignment. Every lead therefore legitimately can be said to open the door to a new lead. Experienced powerhouse attorneys have seen mass-torts cases and other multi-million-dollar litigations that could have gone on forever if not for limits on the client’s resources and statutory ceilings on how long a case can linger before adjudication. After all, every deposition of seven hours is bound to open some new area of inquiry — especially in a Mueller Investigation where there is no perimeter that sets a formal boundary on issues to investigate. As a result, Mueller has evolved into one of the saddest chapters in modern American history and the Mueller Inquisition will leave behind far greater damage than its anti-Trump instigators ever contemplated.
The underlying goals animating Democrats and their accomplices in the Left Mediacracy (pronounced like “mediocracy”) from Day One have been:
(i) to delegitimize the Trump presidency, and
(ii) to gum-up the gears of that Presidency by tying up the Trump Administration with endless prosecution, indictments, allegations, rumors, and the threat of impending doom.
It started at Day One, and before Day One, when Democrats could not accept that the Clinton Era now was dead and buried, and the Obama legacy that had been built on sand now would sink into the healing planet or be swept away by the rising ocean tides. With the election of President Trump, the Obamacrat Reich that was to last a thousand years had petered out in less than a decade. The stagnant economy would be revived with bold tax cuts and massive deregulation. The Paris “Climate” Accord would be ditched. So would the myopic and disastrous Iran Deal. England and Israel and Poland and Ukraine would be treated like friends again, while Cuba, Venezuela, and the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt would be restored to their rightful status as enemies of civilization. North Korea would be challenged facially. ISIS would be decimated. Hydraulic fracturing would be revived, along with the entire fossil fuel industry. The porous southern border finally would be made the center of a great national debate. Judges devoted to Constitutionalism and Originalism would be restored as federal vacancies opened on the courts. It was too much for the Obamacrats, Left Academia, Hollywood and Broadway, and the Mediacracy.
To delegitimize the Trump election, they attacked the electoral college for giving Trump the numbers, James Comey for doing a bit of his job, and mostly Trump’s voters, the basketful of deplorables whom they tagged as racists, xenophobes, homophobes, and every other kind of phobe. They said that all Trump voters were racist — even the Blacks and Latinos and Asian Americans who voted for him. All were anti-Semites — even the Orthodox Jews (the Jews who actually observe the Torah’s kosher and Sabbath rules) who voted for him by a margin often exceeding 3-1. All Trump voters were misogynists — even though he got the majority of the women’s vote. The Trump-haters explained — they of the Hillary “I’m with Her” myth — that women voted for Trump because, in the end, most women are just too stupid to vote on their own and therefore vote as their husbands, brothers, sons, uncles, nephews, grandfathers, and package-delivery men tell them to vote.
As part of the delegitimization, they concocted the myth of “Russian collusion.” To this day, in a world where CNN and MSNBC can uncover every flavor of Trump-hater imaginable, no one ever has met an American who voted for Trump by virtue of Putin’s endorsement. The same Obama-Kerry Administration that pumped U.S. State Department money and Democrat strategist manpower, secretly interfering with free democratic Israeli elections, colluding with Israeli leftists to topple Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, suddenly bewailed that Putin had colluded with Trump to give him the election. Yet no one has shown how Putin actually won over a single voter — much less the steelworkers of Ohio and Pennsylvania, the auto workers of Michigan, the farmers of Iowa.
The Mueller Investigation “into Russian collusion” is a reminder that, within our democratic republic, we have allowed certain flaws to be inserted that allow for our form of government someday to be overturned, just as Hitler was able to overturn German Weimar democracy by lawfully leveraging its laws. We have seen these past ten years that it is possible for Presidents — whether Obama or Trump — to issue executive orders that bypass the legislative process and that, in most cases, will take two years or more before the Supreme Court finally steps in. Moreover, the Democrats have made clear that, if Trump names another justice when Justice Ginsburg or someone else among the Left wing of the Supremes hangs up a robe, then they will undertake to stack the Court later by expanding it beyond nine justices. Once that is permitted, then someday a dictator further can pack that same Supreme Court with as many more justices as he or she wants to assure the upholding of any executive orders that such a real dictator might impose.
One of the tragedies of this Mueller Investigation is that it conclusively establishes something new for us: If enough well-placed wildcats within the Justice Department decide internally, outside the disinfecting light of public scrutiny, that they do not accept a President freely elected by the American People, they indeed may succeed in taking him down. Trump is unique; he is made of steel like Reagan and both Roosevelts and Lincoln. But most others can be taken down.
Trump is a patriot. He also happens to be both a really fun guy and a really nasty jerk. In the end, it is his patriotism that matters for history, not his persona. Yet insiders within the Department of Justice actually responded to the American people electing this President by devoting federal resources to investigating not only whether Trump colluded with Putin but even whether he essentially is a treasonous Russian spy. Even as the FBI worked that angle, FBI Director James Comey was leaking to the New York Times as part of an adjunct strategy, to force a Mueller Inquisition. With a profoundly weak Attorney General in place — the wrong man at the right time — the strategy worked beautifully, and the Angel of Death was set loose.
The clear message of the Mueller Inquisition is not whether the President colluded with Putin; that is nonsense. Rather, the clear message is that, if wildcats within the Department of Justice decide to take down a President, the system that “We the People” think we have created empowers a team of prosecutors with unlimited funding to destroy each and every person associated with that President. In the instant case, they have destroyed people from Michael Flynn to Paul Manafort to Roger Stone. They have bankrupted these people, destroyed their lives, forced some to sell their homes, and broken them. Even with Manafort, who seems to have been a crook, he never would have been targeted — he got away with all of it, the tax evasion, the ostrich jacket — until the Mueller Inquisition lunged at him because of his Trump connection. As of this moment, Flynn seems probably unbroken though financially destroyed. Same with Manafort. So far, it seems the same with Roger Stone. As easy as it was for the Mueller people to turn the lying, thieving Michael Cohen against the President for whom he once said he would take a bullet, it seems that they have not yet turned Roger Stone. So far that Stone has been left unturned — and, whatever they do to him, presumably he will be pardoned in time.
The thing is, even the most honest people sometimes misstate the truth, the facts. That is why the New York Times and all other media publish corrections almost daily. Even as they tilt the news and fabricate the fakest of Fake News on matters Trumpian, they sometimes do try to get some stories fully accurate, like when they write an obituary of a non-political person. Yet the next day they will publish a correction when they realize they have erred. There even was the giggly Wall Street Journal mistake when they reported that Israel’s Prime Minister “revealed” that Israel had gotten water from Iraq. When the WSJcorrected their mistake later, it turned out that Netanyahu actually had cited a Biblical narrative that Moses and the Israelites had gotten water from a rock. Numbers 20:11. The most innocent transmission of factual mistakes are part of the human condition.
In such a paradigm, though, a Mueller Inquisition can sit anyone down for a day of eight hours or two days of sixteen hours, or whatever, until they draw a factual misstatement out of someone. The statement can be an innocent error. Any experienced litigator knows that, at the end of a deposition, the attorney representing the deponent is permitted the opportunity to “clean the record” by asking his or her client to clarify any deposition testimony that day that may have been misspoken.
Attorney: “You said earlier today that you mailed that letter on Tuesday. Is that correct?”
Deponent-Client: “Did I say that? I am so sorry. Actually, meant to say that I e-mailed it — and I think it was on a Monday. I am not sure.”
That is common at every deposition I ever have taken or defended in the past fifteen years. I teach my law students to be ready for those innocent slips of tongue. But in the Mueller Investigation universe, each such slip becomes another count of perjury. Yes, in the end, perjury has to be a deceit that is intentional, so the charge can be beaten if accidental, but it can cost tens of thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands, to have a legal team to defend all the way through appeal.
The latest drama that saw the Feds arrest Roger Stone with hoopla in the middle of the night — again, no collusion with Putin — underscores that our democracy and our republic is far more frail and brittle than we realize. Today they are tearing apart every person they can reach close to President Trump. But Republicans are taking notes and keeping score. When the Democrats moved toward impeaching President Nixon, it was guaranteed that someday, somehow Republicans would impeach a Democrat President. That day came with Clinton. When Harry Reid changed the rules so that Obama’s federal judiciary picks for district courts and appellate circuits could pass on simple majority, it was guaranteed that someday, somehow Republicans would name Supreme Court justices by simple majority. Now, as the new era of this most vicious abuse of our freedoms unfolds — with dignified and exemplary Supreme Court nominees falsely accused of sexual impropriety, with searching back thirty and forty years to high school yearbooks, and in an era with each and every close associate of a disapproved newly elected President hounded into bankruptcy and personal destruction, know that this is not the end of it. Mueller is not “Last Call.” They are just opening the bar, and the night is ahead.
The next time there is a Democrat President and a Republican Congress, there will be a reciprocal campaign of human destruction like this one. Hillary Clinton and her cronies can count their lucky stars that they missed this one because those 33,000 yoga emails, Huma’s Weiner laptop, that bathroom server, Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation — wow, was that orchard ripe for the pickins! But the next one won’t be so lucky because the rules now have shifted to “payback mode.” Let it be a Joe Biden, and they will go through decades of his public life and foibles and destroy him — and his fine son’s exemplary memory. Wait and see. Or let it be Kamala Harris, and they will begin with a public gutting of her extramarital affair with Willie Brown and how she slept her way up the political ladder from twin bed to full bed to queen bed to king bed. Let it be Bernie Sanders, and it will start with uncovering how this socialist became a millionaire, all his vacation houses, his wife’s deals, his honeymoon in Communist Russia. Let it be Elizabeth Warren, and we will find out how many other ways beyond her phony Harvard résumé by which she leveraged her “Indian Heritage” for personal gain.
Nor will it stop there. Each revelation will lead to another associate. And then another. And then another. It will be the Night of the Long Indictments. This Mueller Inquisition guarantees that, one day in five or ten or twenty years, Republicans will take them down and destroy them. And the Democrats then will make notes and keep their records and await their revenge. And so it will go until the fools eventually destroy what once had been the finest political system and way of government that people ever had created.

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