

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Hillary Clinton Is not just a sore loser, she is a total loser

As one can readily see, Hillary Clinton has been unable to recover from having lost the 2016 presidential election -- a self-inflicted wound that she will never cop to. Or, possibly, an act of divine intervention. She has come up with well over a dozen reasons for her defeat -- every one but the real one, i.e. she is a loser -- not just a sore loser, but a total loser. She is incredibly incompetent, fundamentally dishonest, and criminally corrupt, and these are her good qualities. In addition, she is bereft of a trace of integrity or character, has absolutely no judgment, and is devoid of people skills ( she’s very easy to dislike and distrust and thereby become a member of her deplorables). The 2016 race was hers to lose, and by failing to listen to advice on where to campaign, she managed to do just that -- lose! Thank God -- a Hillary Clinton presidency would be the last nail in America’s coffin.
We could go through the litany of Hillary Clinton’s failures – Cattlegate, Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, her clumsy and opaque handling of the health care assignment her husband handed her, her tour of duty in the U.S. Senate, or her stint at the State Department, starting with her failure to get the Russian word for “reset” correct and ending with her dereliction of duty in the case of Benghazi (which produced four dead Americans, including her “friend” Ambassador Christopher Stevens), which, on testifying before Congress, she fobbed off with “what difference, at this point, does it make?”
But, for present purposes, I would just like to focus on the liberties that she has always taken with the truth. When Bill Safire of the New York Times called her a congenital liar, he flattered her. You see, the Clintons don’t just tell lies, they live them.
Consider her most recent whopper -- the one in which she observed, on being asked what was her most difficult decision, that it was remaining in her marriage. Why was this her biggest whopper? Because she had no choice but to remain in her marriage, if, indeed, the arrangement that the Clintons have qualifies as a “marriage,” rather than a political partnership looking to advance the ambitions of each of the partners.
Some have applauded her incredible loyalty to Bill in view of his tawdry behavior. However, if all they had was an “arrangement” to advance their ambitions, his infidelities were irrelevant as far as hurt feelings were concerned.
But they were necessary to make her both the object of sympathy (although one has to wonder why you are deserving of pity on your husband’s 1000th marital transgression). Also, every time he got caught, so it goes, he owed her one. Ergo, the health care assignment, her Senate term, and, finally, her stint as Secretary of State. In each of these situations she distinguished herself more for her failures than any accomplishment.
The point here is that Hillary had no choice but to stay in her marriage. Without her connection to Bill Clinton, Hillary could not be nominated for, let alone be elected to, dog catcher of even the smallest of communities. Her successes in  securing all of these positions was achieved by attaching herself to Bill’s coattails and riding them to each one of these positions.
So why did Hillary lose the 2016 Presidential election? Because she’s Hillary Clinton, a born loser. And, more to the point, Hillary Clinton belongs in the Big House, not in the White House.




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