

Saturday, July 25, 2020

In 100 days, communists could be set to run the White House

The stark reality of what a Biden puppet presidency would mean has come into view.  It is, to say the least, absolutely terrifying.

But questions remain about whether he'll even be the nominee, and if so, if he'll make it to Election Day in this role.

First, can anyone imagine Biden debating Trump?  I can't.

The left is already scrambling to figure out how to leverage the situation to get Biden out of this commitment, such as demanding Trump release his tax returns in exchange for Biden's participation in the debates.  No doubt more schemes will emerge in the coming weeks.

Second, can anyone imagine Biden being nominated at the Democratic National Convention?  It's hard to picture because he'd have to give a speech and function off script a bit, and I don't think he can pull any of that off.  (Not that a lot of lemmings seem to notice or care.)

What would happen if Biden weren't the nominee because the left found some way for him to bow out gracefully?  In that case, his delegates would have to vote on an alternative candidate.  If Biden had selected a running mate, that person would be in a strong position to become the nominee.

If Biden does become the nominee, but something happens to him before Election Day that makes it impossible for him to remain the candidate, what happens then?

The party would pick another nominee, and it would most likely be the person who was his running mate.

If Biden makes it all the way to Election Day and wins (please hang in there with me because this could happen for a number of reasons, not the least of which is voter fraud and/or an electorate riddled with imbeciles), we know he won't be in charge.  Instead, leftists with evil on their minds will be running the country.  And to be a bit more specific, by "leftists with evil on their minds," I mean Marxists intent on destroying our country from within (already in progress) and establishing a communist state.

And that would be that. America would be no more.

That brings me to this.

People who aren't working to help get Trump re-elected are not doing their part.  (Working on down-ticket races is also crucial.)  Don't be complicit.  It's not enough to vote.  Not nearly enough.  Every single patriot must be donating money and volunteering, whether to be boots on the ground or making calls from home.

And please don't speak with over-confidence about 2016 or how the current polls are all wrong, nor feel hopeless and cynical about how the left is planning to steal the election.  It doesn't matter what we feel, but what we know.  And we know that President Trump needs the largest army possible between now and Election Day to maximize his chance of winning.

None of us can afford to find a reason to do less, rather than more.

It's all on the line.  We need all hands on deck.

Everything we value and hold dear is at stake.

The left will flood the country with immigrants who will vote for it, open the doors to "refugees" who will join the destruction from within, add seats to the Supreme Court to ensure far-left rulings, eliminate the Senate filibuster, abolish the Electoral College, make D.C. the 51st state, and transform this nation into a large scale version of Venezuela as they solidify their power.

Yes, it can happen.  And we are on the brink of it.

This is it.  It's now or never, folks.  Come Election Day, let none of us feel we didn't do everything in our power, and then some, to defend this nation lest it be completely destroyed.


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