

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Kenosha Store Owner Sobs While Watching Her 35-Year Business Burn After Rioters Set Blaze

 A business owner was forced to stand by and watch the store she’d built and run for nearly 40 years burn after rioters set it ablaze this week for no reason, other than to cause havoc and destruction in the name of racial justice.

Townhall’s Julio Rosas was on the scene as a sobbing Linda Carpenter and her son, Scott, stood by the smoldering remains of her smashed-in store, B & L Office Furniture.

“It’s all gone. We didn’t do nothing to nobody,” Carpenter told Rosas.

"I don't know what's next, what do we do next, other than clean up and I have some loose ends with some customers that we have going on," Scott added. "We can't leave our customers hanging...but I feel saddened because this is done."

"It's not justifiable," he went on. "We have insurance, yeah, but the insurance isn't there so somebody can destroy your things...we pay for it. It causes insurance rates to go up. It's basically theft. Whoever did this stole from us."


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