

Sunday, September 20, 2020

MUST SEE VIDEO: Catherine Engelbrecht and the Prestigious TRUE THE VOTE Organization Release Powerful Warning on the Marxist Coup in 2020


Catherine Engelbrecht is the Founder and President of True The Vote the nation’s largest voters’ rights group.

The organization for over ten years now has been on the front lines of election fraud prevention by building action-oriented election integrity movements in key states, counties, and precincts. ‘True the Vote’ does not advocate for particular parties or candidates only for fair elections at all levels.

The voter rights organization was so successful that True the Vote and its founder Catherine Engelbrecht, were targeted by top federal government agencies including the IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF, OSHA. Under the Obama Administration, those agencies launched 23 audits, investigations, and inquiries, persistently attacking the patriotic group. Engelbrecht and her organization were harassed by the Obama IRS for months. The Obama IRS wanted to know Facebook posts, tweets and where Catherine intended to speak.

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In June 2019, after nearly a decade-long battle against the IRS, True the Vote won a major decision in federal court and was awarded maximum attorney fees.

Engelbrecht told Breitbart News after the decision, “This is a huge victory for every American who thinks that they can’t go up against the government and get what they deserve.”

As you can imagine this year Democrats are pushing a full throttle assault against the American election system.

Our dearest right as a citizen in this great nation – our right to cast one vote per citizen — is under assault by the Marxist left.

The Marxist left is ripping down statues of our founders, kneeling in shame during our national anthem, targeting our law enforcement and destroying our businesses. The left is erasing our history and now they want to erase our rights.

** True The Vote is looking for volunteers and donations
Please do your part to save this 2020 election from Democrat fraud.

The Gateway Pundit has no ties with True the Vote but we know they are THE BEST GROUP IN AMERICA on Election integrity.
…And we only have weeks to organize and act!

Please watch this video.


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