

Sunday, December 20, 2020

IT BEGINS: Joe Biden Calls Gun Violence A ‘National Health Crisis’

 Democrats just can’t give up gun control as an issue.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, gun sales in the United States have skyrocketed and kept going up even higher as the radical left burned and looted American cities over the summer.

Gun control should be a dead issue, but Biden is already trying to tie gun violence to the issue of health.

Breitbart News reports:

Joe Biden Declares Gun Violence a ‘National Health Crisis’ in Sandy Hook Remembrance

Joe Biden released a statement Monday remembering the December 14, 2012, attack on Sandy Hook Elementary and declared gun violence a “national health crisis.”

He wrote, “To the grandparents, parents, siblings, children, spouses, and fellow broken and healing hearts of Sandy Hook, I know. No matter how long it’s been, every time you talk about it, you relive it as though you just heard the news. Eight years later, I know the pain never fully heals.”

Biden described December 14, 2012, as “the saddest day we had in the White House,” and praised Sandy Hook parents for “working to change our laws and our culture around gun violence and how we protect and nurture our children.”…

Biden then declared gun violence a “national health crisis” that must be confronted, stressing “thoughts and prayers…[are] not enough.”

Now is an important time to remember that both Biden and Harris have endorsed a gun buyback program.

Do you know what a buyback program is? It’s a nice way of saying confiscation.

And Biden is reportedly already considering an executive order.

Don’t let Democrats take control of the Senate in January. Democrats will end the Second Amendment as we know it.


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