

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Biden’s Flash Cards in England Were to Remind Himself to Lie and Blame Everything on Trump


Everything Biden does is a lie –  so it’s no surprise Biden’s cheat sheet in England is all Trump-bashing based on absolute lies.  

Creepy and corrupt Joe Biden found himself in England this past week.  We’re not sure if he knew he was there or if he’ll ever remember it based on his current level of senility.

The entire event was a train wreck as his gang tried to salvage his pretend characture on the world stage.  His entire campaign and Administration are based on lies.  So it comes as no surprise that Biden’s notes were full of lies as well.   Only the date on his card appears not to be a lie and is no doubt there so he can remember what day it is.

Per a closeup from OAN, one of Biden’s cards in England said the following:

TRENDING: VIOLENCE BREAKS OUT at Denver Conservative Conference as Hundreds of Antifa Militants Threaten And Harass Drivers and Guests Outside Hotel

DOJ Talking Points

Trump abused power/ Trump DOJ out of control.

Now we have to clean it up.

Blah, blah, blah.

The fact Biden carries such simple notes is a reflection of how far gone he is.

The greater sin here is to describe the DOJ as Trump’s or carrying Trump’s values.

We learned awful fast in the Trump Administration that the DOJ was as corrupt as any organization in the country.  They made up lies and spied on candidate and then President Trump for years trying to prevent his election and take down his administration.  Then after four years of constant Deep State attacks from the DOJ, foreign and Deep State crooks worked together to steal the 2020 election, easily the greatest crime of the last 100 years.  This was even more disgusting than the evil Mueller sham.  Then at the end of President Trump’s first term the DOJ did nothing to address the election steal and instead worked on setting up and attacking Trump supporters.

The majority of Americans who voted for Trump know the DOJ is corrupt and the 2020 election was stolen.  We also know Trump crushed Biden in the 2020 election and there is no way Biden received 81 million legitimate votes.

The entire Biden/Obama Administration and production is a train wreck.  They lie about everything as they tear apart the country and make fools of themselves on the world stage.

The whole world knows Biden didn’t get 81 million votes.


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