

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Democrat Party Files Lawsuit to Ensure They Can Steal All Future Pennsylvania Elections through Mail-in Voting (2 stories)

 Look at this piece of Garbage. He is responsible for the economic conditions in Pennsylvania for dropping. How do the people of the State feel about this Stinking Garbage wanting to permanently screw the State like California?

Permanently cheat by mail?  The only way these Maggots win

The Democrat Party filed in court to demand mail-in voting laws that will ensure Democrats can steal all elections for the foreseeable future.

Governor Wolf signed emergency legislation into law without the approval of the state leglislature in 2020 for mail-in voting. Republicans were not able to overturn this in the courts.

So on Friday, the Democrats announced they will hold mail-in voting in the state from now on.
They pretend this is for voting rights.

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We all know this is so they can steal all future elections.

And, of course, the Republican Party is nowhere to be found.

The DNC released this statement on Friday.

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The DNC and PDP filed to intervene in defense of Pennsylvania law allowing all eligible voters to vote by mail

Today, the Democratic National Committee and Pennsylvania Democratic Party are taking action to intervene in litigation brought by 14 Pennsylvania Republican state legislators and a county election official, who claim that allowing all eligible Pennsylvanians to vote by mail without an excuse is impermissible under the Pennsylvania constitution — even though nearly all of them supported the law when it was enacted in 2019 with bipartisan support.

Issues like this one are of deep, direct, and urgent concern to President Joseph R. Biden and Vice President Kamala D. Harris, who have asked the Democratic National Committee to prioritize them.

Pennsylvania law allows all eligible voters to vote by mail without an excuse, just like 33 other states and the District of Columbia. In 2020, more than 2.6 million Pennsylvanians voted by mail. Eliminating the excuse requirement to vote by mail increases participation in our elections, including for working families and minority communities.  “The DNC is taking action to ensure that all eligible Pennsylvania voters are given an equal opportunity to participate in our elections, and we stand ready to step in to defend the freedom to vote wherever partisan lawsuits are brought to attack voters’ ability to cast a ballot,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. 

“It is more important than ever that we keep up the fight for stronger participation in our democracy, and we are proud to stand with our partners to defend the voices of everyday Pennsylvanians,” said Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chairwoman Nancy Patton Mills. Additional Background on the DNC’s and PDP’s Legal Action:

In 2019, Governor Wolf signed Act 77 into law, a bipartisan compromise to modernize elections in the Commonwealth. Act 77 allows all Pennsylvanians to vote by mail, updates the Commonwealth’s voter registration law, and eliminates straight ticket voting. As Senate President Jake Corman said when the law was signed: “Compromise has given Pennsylvanians a modernized election code that preserves the integrity of the ballot box[,] and makes it easier for voters to choose the people who represent them.” Speaker of the House Bryan Cutler sounded a similar note: “This bill was not written to benefit one party or the other, or any one candidate or single election. It was developed over a multi-year period with input of people from different backgrounds and regions in Pennsylvania. It serves to preserve the integrity of every election and lift the voice of every voter.”






Newsom Admits 12-Year-Old Daughter Has Not Yet Been Vaccinated Despite K-12 Vaccine Mandate for Rest of State

Do as I say, not as I do?

“Rule for thee but not for me.”

Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom (CA) admits in a recent article published by LA Times that his 12-year-old daughter has not yet received the jab despite being qualified.  According to the governor, his daughter has a series of other shots to get first before she will get the COVID-19 vaccine.

LA Times reported:

Newsom’s office would not comment on whether the governor would support legislation to eliminate personal belief exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine.

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The governor has said the state’s process offers an “accommodating” personal belief exemption and will provide adequate time to hesitant parents to talk to their doctors and school nurses. He said his own daughter, who recently turned 12 years old and is eligible for the vaccine, has not yet received it because she has “a series of other shots” to get first.

The democrat governor prioritized other vaccines than the COVID-19 vaccine that could “save others lives” and “would end this pandemic”. Is he trying to say that this pandemic isn’t as dangerous as what the media want us to believe?

This is clearly a violation of his own K-12 vaccine mandate. This is an abuse of power by breaking the rules that everyone is expected to obey.

On October 1, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom announced the nation’s first k-12 vaccine mandate for in-person learning. Fresh off of a rigged recall election, he has gone into overdrive.

Previously, students who are 16 or older are only eligible for the Pfizer jab. Now, children ages 12 to 15 are qualified to get the Pfizer shot under emergency use.

It is not the first time the leftist governor has violated his own mandate. Last July, Newsom pulled his 10-year-old son from summer camp after maskless photos of the children surfaced.

In California children aged 2-11 must wear masks during “camps for youth, youth sports and other youth activities including theater and music performances and band.”

Democrat Newsom acted like the victim and threw the summer camp under the bus when confronted about the pictures of his maskless son.

Another incident was when Gavin Newsom attended a dinner party at The French Laundry, a restaurant in Napa Valley that charges $800 per person for their tasting menu while he told Californians they can’t gather with their families for Thanksgiving.

Your child has to get the poison jab, but Newsom’s daughter doesn’t.
Your child has to wear a face mask, but Newsom’s son doesn’t.
You can’t gather with your families for holiday, but Newsom can.


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