

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Goes After Corrupt AG Garland – Says “Florida Will Defend the Free Speech Rights of Its Citizens”

 You can look at this Hack (Garland) and see a corrupt worthless Piece of Crap or an Obama Puppet in high places!

Florida’s governor DeSantis won’t put up with a corrupt Biden Attorney General.  He politely told AG Garland that Florida will stand up for the free speech rights of its people.

Last night Biden’s corrupt Attorney General instructed his political and corrupt FBI to go after concerned American parents who speak out against the racist critical race theory or the deadly COVID mandates in schools.

Biden’s gang is more like a communist or nazi regime than any prior Administration other than Obama’s.  This is why many Americans believe Obama, George Soros or China, are running this fright fest.

TRENDING: EXPLOSIVE VIDEO Emerges of Fauci and HHS Officials Plotting for 'A New Avian Flu Virus' to Enforce Universal Flu Vaccination (VIDEO)

Red State reported on Garland’s actions:

While Garland spoke about “threats,” he didn’t identify any threats or concerns which would qualify as federal criminal action requiring such interference in the parents’ rights to express themselves. Indeed, the announcement seemed like an effort to basically chill their rights to speak. Normally, if there was any actual “threat,” it would come within the purview of local law enforcement. There’s no requirement to make what would already be illegal more illegal. So what actually are they saying here? What’s actually happening with this edict from the Biden Administration?

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has championed the rights of parents to speak on behalf of their own children — something that should be self-evident and unquestionable — threw down the gauntlet, speaking out against this troubling announcement from Garland.

In response to Garland’s communist action, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis shared:

Biden’s gang stole the election and are willing to destroy our country to satisfy their power and greed.








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