

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Loudoun County Public Schools claims the school board did not know details of horrific sexual abuse allegations

 Heard a great discussion on this.  If a student calls someone names or spits a spitwad its not a schoolboard issue.  When you get a felony rape or an attack of a student or teacher that gets the school board involved.  Sounds like a Lie and a coverup

    The school district accused of covering up horrific sexual abuse at one of their schools released a lengthy statement Wednesday denying that the school board knew the details of the case.

    Loudoun County resident Scott Smith said that his daughter was raped on May 28 by a boy allegedly wearing a skirt in a restroom at Stone Bridge High School. He said that he was told by prosecutors to stay quiet about the case publicly in order to help the prosecution case move forward.

    When parents later objected to a new transgender restroom policy at the school district, officials denied any incidents of sexual assault had occurred.

    "The predator transgender student or person simply does not exist," said Loudoun County Schools Superintendent Scott Ziegler in June. "We don't have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms."

    On June 22 at a school board meeting, Smith got into an altercation with a woman who he says was accusing his daughter of lying about the assault. The incident was used by the National School Board Association in their demand to the Department of Justice that threats to school boards be investigated as "domestic violence."

    Although the incident remains under investigation, the details of the horrific accusations were documented in a report by the Daily Wire.

    On Wednesday, the school district responded to the controversy.

    "Loudoun County Public Schools is aware of the media and social media reports concerning alleged sexual assaults at two of our high school campuses," the statement read.

    Principals are legally required to report to the local law enforcement agency any act, including sexual assault, that may constitute a felony offense," the statement continued. "That process was followed with respect to these allegations."

    The statement went on to say that LCPS was not allowed to investigate the matter until after a criminal investigation by police is completed.

    "Furthermore, LCPS is prohibited from disciplining any student without following the Title IX grievance process, which includes investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault," the statement added. "LCPS does impose interim measures to protect the safety of students involved in the original incident, deter retaliation, and preserve the integrity of the investigation and resolution process."

    The district went on to say that the board was not aware of the details of the sexual assault accusations.

    "School Board members are typically not given details of disciplinary matters. The board may be obligated to consider long-term suspensions or expulsions and must ensure that students have not been deprived of due process," the statement claimed.

    "Consequently, members of the Loudon County School Board were not aware of the specific details of this incident until it was reported in media outlets earlier this week," the statement concluded. "We are unable to locate any records that indicate that Scott Smith had registered in advance to speak at the June 22, 2021 board meeting."

    Outraged parents demanded the resignation of Superintendent Ziegler at a school board meeting Tuesday after more details of the harrowing case were revealed.

    Here's more about the Loudon schools scandal:



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