

Friday, October 8, 2021

Psaki Blames Unvaccinated Americans When Confronted on Joe Biden’s Cratering Poll Numbers (VIDEO)

 This Douchebag just continues to flat out LIE and keeps a straight face when doing so! Vaccinated are the ones getting sick with both shots.  What's up with that??


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Friday blamed unvaccinated Americans for Joe Biden’s collapsed poll numbers.

Joe Biden crashed to a new low of 38% approval in a Quinnipiac Poll released Wednesday.

The brutal poll shows Biden losing support across the board on issues with his numbers on immigration and the border in the 20s and a solid majority (55 percent) saying the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.

“What do you make of these really terrible polls?” a reporter asked Psaki.

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“This is a really tough time in our country. We’re still battling Covid and a lot of people thought we’d be through it – including us! And uh, because of the rise of the Delta variant… We still have 20% of the country who’ve decided not to get vaccinated.”





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