

Friday, August 26, 2022

Biden ‘Rally’ in Small High School Gym Looks Produced Based on His Prior Rallies, Participants Likely Bused in or Paid to Be There

 Look at the complete Idiots in the back holding signs  I am guessing for a better America vote Democrat.  As the headline says these Clowns must have been paid to go.  How embarrassing

Joe Biden held a rally last night in Maryland in a small high school gymnasium.  This out-of-no-where event was likely produced based on his prior rallies. 

The Democrats will lie, cheat and steal, so it’s not unimaginable that they would put together a production to make it look like someone in America is behind Biden’s stolen election, Afghanistan surrender, record inflation, and recession.

According to the AP, Biden’s rally was promoted at one tiny newspaper in Maryland.

President Joe Biden is scheduled to rally with Maryland Democrats in Rockville.

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The Baltimore Sun reports that the event at Richard Montgomery High School on Thursday will include speeches from Biden and “other special guests.” The newspaper says that’s according to an event notice from the Maryland Democratic Party.

This is the only reporting that can be easily found on the event.  The Biden gang likely did this to prevent Americans from coming to the event and yelling that Biden stole the 2020 Election.  But even without publicizing the event, at least one individual screamed and yelled that Biden stole the 2020 Election.

Biden looked the fool at the event as was reported last night at TGP with his mumbling and stumbling typical antics.  Anyone who observes Biden for a short time period knows that he is not well and declining rapidly.  He hasn’t been seen in weeks and when he is seen he looks lost.

What was very unusual about the event was the energized crowd.  They acted like they were placed there and told to cheer for senile Joe.

The most obvious reason that this event was produced and not a random gathering of supporters is that Biden has never had a large gathering of supporters at any of his events.  We saw this at his rallies in 2020.  While Biden couldn’t even manage 2,000 people at ALL his events leading up to the 2020 Election, President Trump entertained 1.1 MILLION participants at his rallies. 

The production crew was in full motion last night in Maryland.  The venue was tiny but the producers made it look like a Trump rally.  The event was barely publicized to keep out Trump supporters who know the 2020 Election was stolen and never should have been certified.

The Biden gang was afraid the crowd would start chanting “Let’s Go Brandon”.  They can’t allow the truth to be told or seen.   

The entire Biden election steal and administration is a production and a very dark moment in US history. 



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