

Thursday, December 1, 2022

EXCLUSIVE: Democrats’ Criminal Ballot Activity Includes More than Their “Ballot Harvesting”


(Above a van load of ballots is secretly dropped off early in the morning of November 4, 2020, at the TCF Center in Detroit in a hallway in the building.) 

Democrats cheat.  They always have.  Now their cheating is putting in place communist politicians whose purpose appears to be the destruction of the United States of America. 

We have known for some time that the election results in the 2020 and now 2022 elections have made no logical sense.  For example, how could an individual who had less than 2,000 people at his rallies in 2020 (Biden) beat a candidate who had over 1.1 million at his rallies leading up to the 2020 Election (Trump)?

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There were just too many observations and questions that could not be adequately explained that would give an average observer comfort that the 2020 Election was free and fair and honest.

We saw state election results in 2020 and again in 2022 where large ballot drops occurred and after that point, all ballots counted had the same ratios which totally made no sense.

The elites in the GOP would like you to believe that all the GOP has to do is focus on ballot harvesting rather than on the voters.  This implies that the GOP is now willing to take part in the same harvesting fraud as the Democrats in an effort to win elections.   This also implies that votes recorded for Democrats and collected by ballot harvesters are legitimate.  Neither premise is accurate.

We know from discussions and observations that the country as a whole leans conservative.  The country hates the actions the Biden Administration is taking to destroy America.  Citizens are disgusted in the dishonest mainstream media (which is why TGP continues to grow annually).  Americans hate cheaters.

Democrats aren’t winning elections because they have superior candidates.  Joe Biden and John Fetterman can’t even think or carry on coherent conversations.  Katie Hobbs and Jocelyn Benson, Soros-funded Secretaries of States, are unpopular with constituents.

It’s not Democrat policies.  Americans can’t stand what they are seeing on the open Southern border.  They were shocked and appalled by Biden’s disgraceful exit from Afghanistan and are outraged at how Biden is destroying the US economy.

Yesterday we pointed out another method and a major method that the Democrats use to steal elections which results in the pieces falling together.

As we reported, the Democrats are changing addresses or ZIP codes on huge blocks of voters without them knowing it in the voter rolls across the country.  These changes are then flipped back before anyone realizes what happened.  However, during the period when the addresses are changed, ballots are printed and sent out. 

The average citizen impacted by these changes would never know that their ballot may have been duplicated because the rest of their mail is being received as normal.

The ballots with the faulty information are likely harvested at locations where the changed addresses were sent or through interference by the postal service.

We are just beginning to understand how this works.  The large drops of votes late in the election process are likely related to suspect ballots.

But we do have evidence that tranches of voter addresses are being changed before election ballots are mailed out. 

Democrats also manufacture ballots for people who aren’t even real.  We’ve seen this in multiple states.  When canvassers went door to door to ascertain that the individuals who lived at these properties actually voted, they found error rates of as high as 25%.

Because of this, we know that the Democrats are not winning elections because they have better techniques for getting Democrats to the polls.  The Democrats are winning by obtaining ballots and voting with these ballots for Democrat candidates.

Yes, there is ballot harvesting by the Dems.  Yes, they cheat in every way imaginable.  But we now know that they adjust voter rolls to assist with their efforts.




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