

Saturday, August 5, 2023

How did the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens get rich? And how did Trump?

 Did Trump hit a nerve when he brought up Ukraine corruption?   How many more U.S. elected clowns are tied to ukraine?

With all the focus on President Trump and his legal woes, the question arises: How did Trump get rich? And how did the Democrat elites persecuting him now get rich?

Let's start with the Clintons:

How did the Clintons get rich?

The Clintons took no risk, made no investments, and didn't borrow money. Nope, they just used Hillary's powerful position slurping from the public trough to sell access to all comers, for huge amounts of money. 
See here:

Clintons charge big fees to small groups


Clinton's cash for access diplomacy

Clinton ran a pay-to-play program at the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State.

The media and Justice Department didn't care about this corruption any more than they cared about her mishandling of classified documents, destroying documents and computers, obstructing justice, or perpetuating a massive fraud in the 2016 election with the Russian dossier. 
Now let's move on to the Obamas.
How did the Obamas get rich?
Without going through Congress, Obama used the FCC in 2015 to implement net neutrality which he claimed was meant to help the little guy but it saved the big users of bandwidth on the internet huge amounts of money because they didn't have to reimburse the internet providers for their investments. 
Network neutrality, often referred to as net neutrality, is the principle that Internet service providers (ISPs) must treat all Internet communications equally, offering users and online content providers consistent rates irrespective of content, websiteplatformapplication, type of equipment, source address, destination address, or method of communication (i.e., without price discrimination)
The biggest users of internet bandwidth are Google, Netflix, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon, who consume more than 43% of the bandwidth, so those huge companies got huge savings because of Obama's actions. Trump got rid of net neutrality and Biden is trying to bring it back
Democrats love to pretend they write policies for the little guy but they essentially are puppets for big companies. Google essentially had an office at the White House during the Obama, Biden years. 


Google’s Remarkably Close Relationship With the Obama White House

Over the past seven years, Google has created a remarkable partnership with the Obama White House, providing expertise, services, advice, and personnel for vital government projects.

Precisely how much influence this buys Google isn’t always clear. But consider that over in the European Union, Google is now facing two major antitrust charges for abusing its dominance in mobile operating systems and search. By contrast, in the U.S., a strong case to sanction Google was quashed by a presidentially appointed commission.


As soon as Obama was out of office, the Obamas were rewarded with a huge contract with Netflix, despite having no product and no experience.

Obama Netflix deal explained

After completing their two terms as president and first lady, Barack and Michelle Obama have signed up for some pretty lucrative projects.

The first, announced in February 2017, was a joint deal worth an estimated $65 million to publish their memoirs.

They care so much about the little guy. 

I bet the writers and actors on strike are pretty jealous that they are so low-paid while the Obamas just slurped from the public trough for years, rewarded Netflix with net neutrality, and got a huge kickback worth millions so they could buy multiple mansions. 

Obama, his justice Department, and other Democrats knew how corrupt the Clintons and Bidens were as they lined their pockets with foreign money but have never cared as they campaigned for them, covered up for them, and continually targeted President Trump for destruction. 

But they are supposedly outraged that conservative supreme court judges have rich friends they take trips with.

And the media sees nothing wrong with this massive amount of money the Obamas got from Netflix.

Now let's look at the Bidens: How did the Bidens get rich?

It appears they took political corruption to a new level.

Joe and Hunter traveled the world in government jets, gathering up kickbacks. They set up a large number of shell corporations to gather and distribute the money to several family members and some "business associates."

It does not appear that they took any risk, made any investments, borrowed any money, or hired more than a few people in these shell companies, such as Hunter's stripper girlfriend, who was hired for a while. 

But according to most of the media, Justice Department, and other Democrats inconceivably say they can't spot any evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong. 

Of course, they also aren't interested in Joe illegally having and mishandling classified documents, no matter how long he had them, how many times they were moved and what they were. 

Now let's look at President Trump:

How did Trump get rich?

He took massive risks, made huge investments, and borrowed lots of money while building casinos hotels, and golf resorts.  He created tens of thousands of jobs, paid huge sales, property, payroll, and other taxes. 

And for that, the media and other Democrats have targeted him with witch hunts and claimed that he was corrupt. 

They even went after Trump because some foreign government officials stayed at his hotels, heaven forbid, but massive kickbacks to the Clintons and Bidens from foreign parties is perfectly O.K.

A federal appeals court tossed out a lawsuit by congressional Democrats who had sued President Donald Trump for allegedly violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause.

That clause bars presidents from receiving money from foreign governments.

Moral of the story: Powerful Democrats can do whatever they want to get rich while sucking off the public teat because they love big government but Republicans who are capitalists, and who have policies to give power, freedom, and money back to the people, must be stopped because they are the threat to the leftist agenda and the powerful bureaucracy, the deep state.
On a related note:
The media and prosecutors are now worried about who is paying Trump's legal bills on their multiple witch hunts.    

Donald Trump’s political group is financing legal work that has prompted questions from prosecutors about potential conflicts of interest

I bet the media and prosecutors aren't worried at all about where Hunter is getting his money to pay all his high-paid lawyers or any potential conflicts of interest since they don't seem to care about anything Joe or Hunter do.
Hunter said he needed to lower child support for his child with former stripper Lunden Roberts, the four-year-old Navy, so where is the money coming from? He hasn't appeared to have had a real job for years, only kickbacks. 



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