

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Kerry calls for greenie restrictions on farming, or people will starve

 As stated below, you can't fix Stupid

Does Joe Biden's climate czar, John Kerry, ever listen to himself?

He made this dunderheaded speech at the World Economic Forum, unwittingly contradicting himself as he sought applause from the elites.



So "farms" need to be restricted according to the green agenda, which as any Dutch farmer can tell you, means shut down -- or else people will die, presumably of starvation since he said "people will go hungry."

Fewer farms, all to prevent people from going hungry.

Does this clown know where food comes from? Does he understand that more production of food means more emissions of oxygen and less production of food means fewer emissions?

Or does he really think that food has nothing to do with the farms that produce it, but comes solely from a grocery store?

Has he ever met the California farmers of the Central Valley, whose farms have been turned brown by greenie environmental lunacy, and who place "no farms, no food" stickers on their pickups, or else put up huge billboards with this slogan?

It highlights the green disconnect between greater agricultural productivity through what was once known as the green revolution, and fewer people than ever starving on this planet.

Like private jets, meat, and gas stoves, the greenie left would like to make food itself a luxury item, with more starvation and with more starvation, more government control.

That's the only thing that can be concluded from this cocktail of illogic that if the greenies get their way on, is sure to lead to more starvation.

Having grown tired of the buffets around the world, globetrotting Kerry says he's leaving his climate czar job within the Biden administration, supposedly to campaign for Biden. If he actually leaves, it will be good riddance.


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