

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Biden administration seems to be continuously ‘caught off guard’ as world events unfold

 With the Biden administration, it’s one “caught off guard” reaction after the other.

The U.S. had no idea that Israel was going to attack Iranian facilities in Syria; from The New York Times via Yahoo News:

Israel was mere moments away from an airstrike on April 1 that killed several senior Iranian commanders at Iran’s embassy complex in Syria when it told the United States what was about to happen.

Israel’s closest ally had just been caught off guard.

Aides quickly alerted Jake Sullivan, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser; Jon Finer, the deputy national security adviser; Brett McGurk, Biden’s Middle East coordinator; and others, who saw that the strike could have serious consequences, a U.S. official said. Publicly, U.S. officials voiced support for Israel, but privately, they expressed anger that it would take such aggressive action against Iran without consulting Washington.

Of course, the Biden administration also had no idea that Hamas was going to attack Israel on October 7th, despite the group’s years of preparation.

The Bidenites also had no idea Afghanistan’s government would collapse so quickly, so  they did little to get Americans and Afghanistan supporters out ahead of time.

They also had no idea that when Biden campaigned on destroying the oil industry and signing executive orders to fulfill that promise, those policies would cause oil prices and inflation to spike.

When inflation started spiking, substantially because of energy policies and printing massive amounts of additional money, the Biden administration falsely claimed that inflation was transitional.

They seem to have no idea that the oil price spike would greatly help Russia and Iran, energy producers, to finance wars and terrorism.

Just the other day John Kirby blamed Trump for the problems in the Middle East because it was Trump who pulled out of the worthless Iranian deal. That is as ridiculous as blaming Trump for the border problem, which has been so clearly caused by Biden’s intentional dissolution of the border and his directives to federal agencies to aid and abet criminal trespassers.

When the Biden administration doesn’t recognize the cause of the problems, it will certainly not come up with the solutions to the problems.

If Joe Biden wanted to stop Iran from funding terrorism and achieving its goal to destroy America and Israel, he would cut off oil exports like Trump did. Instead, he’s helping the regime to build up its coffers:

Iran Oil Exports Hit Highest Record In Five Years

Maybe the reason the intelligence agencies, state department, Justice Department, etc. can’t spot the problems at the border, Russia, Iran or anywhere else is because they are concentrating so hard on pretending they can control the climate and going after people who support Trump.

All the “protesters” shouting “death to America” and “death to Israel” are lucky. If they were shouting “MAGA” and blocking streets, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Garland, and others would be outraged, and demand they be silenced. But “death to America” is met with virtual silence from these Democrat leaders.

Biden is also extremely confused on the economy. He continues to lie that he inherited a disastrous economy and his policies turned it around. The truth is he inherited a soaring economy where jobs were recovering at an average of 1.7 million per month for the last eight months of 2020. It would have even been faster if California, New York, Illinois, and Michigan politicians didn’t keep their economies slow as they campaigned for Biden.

At the end of 2020, before Biden took office and before any additional stimulus, Morgan Stanley projected the U.S. would grow 5.9% for 2021 which was extremely fast. It was not sluggish and inflation was low.

Biden says the economy is now doing great, so why does he keep handing out massive amounts of borrowed money and dictatorially and unconstitutionally pay off student loans, claiming people can’t afford their payments?

I have a couple of serious questions for Powell, Yellen, and people throughout the Biden administration: 

U.S. debt was $32.3 trillion in June of 2023, and today it is $34.6 trillion. The debt is rising much faster than the deficit, which CBO projected to be $1.6 trillion in February; so where is the extra money going?

Do you think having a deficit that is over 6% of the total U.S. economy is masking problems? At what level of deficit would you worry? In Europe, they are in trouble if they go over 3%. Do you think printing this massive amount of money is contributing to the inflation problem, especially for the poor and middle classes?

Do you think allowing millions of illegals to come across the border is increasing the deficit and contributing to inflation?

Heaven help us if we take the advice of most of the media and reelect these people who are so willing to help enemy interests and destroy America.


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