

Thursday, October 17, 2024

‘You’ve got to take responsibility for what happened in your administration’

 You’ve got to take responsibility for what happened in your administration.”

Oops!  The above quote may be Kamala Harris’s most devastating, grievous error in her sit-down with Bret Baier last night.

We can be sure that those words escaped her mouth before she realized what she was saying.  She was referring to the transgender surgeries that may have taken place during the Trump administration even though the former president opposes such mutilations for what is clearly a mental disorder.  With that quote, she admitted that she and Biden are indeed responsible for

(1) The horrific withdrawal from Afghanistan.

(2) The mind-numbing, tragic consequences of their open border.  At least ten million migrants have entered the country unvetted, thousands of criminals among them.  Sex- and human-trafficking has exploded as a result.  So has crime across the board.

(3) The war in Ukraine — millions lives lost there.

(4) The Hamas attack on Israel, due to their obvious anti-Israel bias.

(5) The irresponsible spending that gave us the highest inflation in decades.

(6) The evisceration of our military with DIE and transgenderism.

(7) The gift of billions of dollars to Iran that has funded the subsequent terrorism against Israel.

(8) The lawfare unleashed on Trump, all of it manufactured out of whole cloth to take him off the board.

(9) The weaponization of the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, etc. that has led to peaceful protesters being imprisoned for exercising their First Amendment rights.

(10) The fact that Joe Biden is owned by the Chinese Communist Party — he owes his wealth to them.

(11) The administration’s disastrous response to the hurricanes.

By her standard, Harris must “take responsibility” for all of the above.

Harris was pathetically unprepared for this interview, even though it was she who wanted it.  She probably does not ever watch Fox News and has avoided that outlet based on hearsay.  She likely knows that it is owned by the Murdochs and assumed that Baier would be appropriately submissive and agreeable.  He could have been, as he is not a Trump-supporter.  Many of us blame him for calling Arizona for Biden at 9:00 on Election Night 2020.  That was a very anti-Trump thing to have done.  Many Trump-supporters stopped watching Fox News after that.

But Baier rose to the occasion last night and asked the questions millions of us have wanted Harris to answer since she was announced, without a single vote, as the Democrat candidate for president.  That she has been such a terrible candidate has got to be the best example of karma ever visited upon Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Harris herself.

She was an absent V.P., no matter what Joe says now.  She was the least popular V.P. ever!  The few roles she was assigned — the border and connecting rural regions to the internet — have been utter failures.  Since she became Biden’s DIE choice, she has accomplished exactly nothing, yet thinks she is qualified to be president.

People like this get diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder — not to mention palilalia, the constant repetition of certain words or phrases.  But even that does not explain Harris’s indecipherable word salads.  She also often appears to be under the influence of alcohol or a drug.  Despite the release of her physical medical report, she is not a mentally healthy person.  She’s got a lot of nerve suggesting that Trump is “unstable.”

Perhaps Kamala believes that her interview marathon – Call her DaddyCharlamagne tha GodThe View, on which she said she would do nothing different from the Biden administration; with Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson and 60 Minutes (all guaranteed friendly Democrats) — has sealed her election win.  But she’s never held a press conference or answered the kind of questions Baier asked.  She was rude in showing up late.  She was rude in filibustering him with run-on answers.  She appeared angry and clearly wanted to focus on the lies she likes to tell about Trump.  Even The Hill has called her out for her “Trump will send the army after you” lie.  She still seems to think we are all incredibly gullible and will believe her many prevarications, all of which are easily debunked.

Harris claims Trump is “unfit” to hold the office, yet he shows up at several rallies and interviews from day to day, full of vim and vigor and the willingness to answer the questions he is asked.  He can give a master class on the economy while she seems to never to have taken Econ 101.  People know what he stands for; she is determined to keep what she stands for a secret, which only makes voters suspicious.  What we do know is that she was the most radical member of the Senate and that she harbors Marxist views — mandated equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. 

While Harris supporters are whining that Baier “ambushed” her, wiser minds realize that the Fox interview should be the end of her campaign.  Indeed, it should be.


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