

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Never mind, everybody: Harry Reid says all those Obamacare horror stories are lies

This Idiot is also a Liar like Obama is. I don't believe anything this Guy says! When I see real people talking about losing their healthcare I believe them. I know people in retail that is losing or lost their healthcare due to Obamacare Regulations making their policies Illegal! Harry needs to get out and meet some of these people instead of talking Crap!
This guy is Worthless Garbage Elected by the people of Nevada!

“The leukemia patient whose insurance policy was canceled [and] could die without her medication: Mr. President, that’s an ad being paid for by two billionaire brothers. It’s absolutely false. Or the woman whose insurance policy went up $700 a month: ads paid for around America by the multibillionaire Koch brothers, and the ad is false.”
The Koch brothers, you say? Well, there’s your proof! Uttering that magic phrase — “The Koch brothers! The Koch brothers!” — makes all that pesky evidence disappear. Hey, if you can’t trust Harry Reid, who can you trust? Other than 99 percent of the human race.
Facts : Liberals :: Sunlight : Vampires
Obamacare is such an abject failure, Harry Reid has been reduced to denying reality itself and appealing directly to “Think” “Progress” readers and their ilk. Oh, wait, sorry. That’s his usual.



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