

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

NBC Launches News Site For Blacks, Response On Twitter Is AWESOME

If Fox had Foxwhite we wouldn't hear the end of it! This to me shows again how the sorry suckers at NBC are in bed with the White House!


Is it just me, or have race hustlers come up with some really horrible ideas to supposedly end racism?
First, there was the ridiculous idea drummed up by a panel of professors who think the key to equality is making sure white male students don’t get called on until after blacks and female students. Yes, they honestly think racism is the answer to destroying racism.
Now, the good folks over at NBC have created NBCBLK, a news site toward bringing races together by making sure they stay separated.
From Down Trend:
Last week, NBC News decided to single-handedly set race relations back a few decades by launching NBCBLK, a news website that features black people news to the exclusion of everybody else on Earth.
According to the Facebook page description, this brand-spanking new website is dedicated to “elevating America’s conversation about black identity, politics & culture today.” What better way to do that than by segregating blacks away from everybody else, right?
As you can imagine, the response on Twitter has pretty much been nothing but negative.
elonjames: “When mainstream spaces create sections like #NBCBLK it feels like a smack in the face. You could just report our stories…regularly.”
AnnMarieMannino: “I am so confused about #nbcblk @nbc Am I allowed to watch? So black ppl can’t watch regular NBC anymore? Is NBC now nbcwht?”
devancole1: “#NBCBLK just seems counterproductive.If the issues were that imprt to NBC they’d put them on their main page where they’d receive more attn.”
So the next logical question is where the NBC Latino website is at? Isn’t it a bit silly–and racist–to only give African Americans a news site, but no other minorities?
In all honesty, the whole idea of having separate news websites for people based on their skin color is dumb and a little twisted. Aren’t we all human? Shouldn’t what’s reported on the news be important to all of us?
How does further separating black and whites help improve race relations and create a culture of harmony between folks of all colors?
Oh, that’s right. It doesn’t!
Doesn’t being treated equal mean minimizing the differences between us? I don’t think this kind of website is going to accomplish that.
One of the key components to eradicating racism is for people of all skin colors to realize they are no different from one another. All are created in the image of God. All are imperfect people with faults and failures.
Seeing our shared humanity–what we have in common–is the only way to kill racism. Not through continually drawing attention to our petty differences.

Read more at http://www.youngcons.com/nbc-launches-news-site-blacks-response-twitter-awesome/#xiSKTpFprkQV3yDy.99

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