This worthless screwball and her propaganda media forgot about this stuff or failed to mention this but says Trump didnt denounce a kkk endorsement when he actually did and they sinced redacted it.
There were a lot of people upset over the weekend when Donald Trump refused to denounce the KKK after being asked three times, claiming he had to do “more research” on them. He later chalked it up to a bad earpiece, yadayadayada and the media had a feeding frenzy for a day or two. That’s not outside the scope of reason. It’s the KKK, I get it.
But did you know that he wasn’t the first Presidential candidate to praise someone in the KKK?
She’s talking about former and former KKK Kleagle, and Senator Pro Tempore, Robert Byrd (D-WV). You know,1 this guy…
Let me be clear here, Robert Byrd was a paid, high-ranking member of the KKK. He didn’t dabble in racism as a college student, he practically had Klan dental and a company car. Just read some of his greatest quotes.1
“The training of these poor creatures to turn themselves into fighting machines is simply barbaric, barbaric, barbaric! Barbaric! Let that word resound from hill to hill, and from mountain to mountain, from valley to valley, across this broad land, barbaric, barbaric. May God help, those poor souls, who’d be so cruel. Barbaric! Hear me! Barbaric!” – Robert Byrd, July 19, 2007 Audio and/or video clip available-“The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia.” – Robert Byrd, 1946“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.” – Robert Byrd, December 11, 1945
Let’s also go to the videotape. One that isn’t even that old.
Now let me be clear here, this isn’t just some random, inconsequential Democrat on a state legislature. Robert Byrd was President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Which means he was third in line for succession of the President between 2007-2010.
That means that if a plane went down anywhere in that time period, and Obama, Biden and Pelosi happened to be on it… The man above would have been your president!
All this to make the point that you likely already know. Democrats have always been and remain the party of the KKK. That’s never changed. The idea that the KKK jumped ship to the Republican party is entirely a myth. Whenever someone tries to feed it to you, simple point to Robert Byrd… and his supporters like Hillary Clinton.
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