

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Multiculturalism? No Thanks. Norway Builds Wall to Keep Out Syrian Migrants

I wonder if our two Anti American AceHoles will call them "Racist'?


For the past year, Norway has been trying to cut down on refugees. Well, one does. It seems that Russia has been pawning off its share of Syrian migrants by sending them all over the border. That didn’t jive well with Norwegians. National security and whatnot. But did Russia listen to their complaints? No, silly. They’re Russia. So Norway’s solution? Build a wall.
Norway is building a steel fence at its arctic border with Russia after an influx of thousands of refugees last year. Last year, Russia and Norway battled to repeatedly reject the same refugees. Norway said it would begin sending refugees who have Russian residency permits back to Russia, arguing it had received no “satisfactory” explanation from Russia as to why it sent so many refugees…
The new fence, which will be around 660 feet long and 11 feet high, will stretch from the Skorskog border point. Construction of the fence is due to finish before winter frosts set in, making it harder to enter Norway through the forest.

 Build a wall… hmmm, sounds vaguely familiar, no? It’s a good move on Norway’s part. Maybe they took a gander at Germany and France’s current situation and learned a thing or two about 
a thing or two rape and terrorism.
Some have criticized the idea of an anti-refugee wall. It’s xenophobic, racist, Islamophobic, you know the drill. You also know that those people are dingbats. Because the culture of Norwegians is waaay different than the culture that migrants seem to always bring with them. For instance, Norwegians aren’t big on religion (see Norway Takes Kids Away From Parents Because of ‘Christian Indoctrination’). Thus, it follows that they’re also not fans of Islamic refugees. Whether you agree with them or not, at least they’re being consistent. And, you know, preserving their culture/safety.
Also, Norwegians don’t like rape. Different strokes.
Something worth noting here is that Norway isn’t a part of the EU. That means all the Union’s migrant quotas and rules don’t apply to them (read European Union Plans to Fine Countries… For Refusing Refugees). In other words, Norway can do whatever the hell they want. In this case, that’s telling migrants to kindly go fornicate themselves.
See how simple it was for them to build a wall? That’s what happens when the government looks out for its own citizens as opposed to random rapey ones. Also, they don’t have to answer to a bureaucratic entity on the other side of the continent. Norwegians decided they wanted a fence… So they built said fence. Easy peasy. Take notes, everyone else in Europe.


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