

Monday, September 3, 2018

Flashback: John McCain’s Obamacare Vote Showed He Hated Trump More Than He Loved His Country (VIDEO)

Never forget.

John McCain ran his 2016 campaign on the promise to repeal Obamacare.

Then when the time came to choose to vote to repeal John McCain famously killed it.

McCain walked on the senate floor and famously gave the thumbs down.

John McCain was a liar.
Insurance costs went up over 100% in Arizona under Obamacare.
Now here’s something that is not widely known.
After McCain voted against the repeal of Obamacare he cozied up to Chuck Schumer and said, “Let’s see Donald make America great again now.”

John McCain hated Trump more than he loved his country.


1 comment:

  1. None of that ever hsppened..he voted no on trump care because it was gna hurt to many people, just ask the coal miners wives in Kentucky that said without it all their husband wouldve died! So they sat in their kitchens wringing their hands hoping against hope that the Dems had protested enough for them too. And why should McCain like trump after what the 5 time draft dodger said about HIS time serving his country unlike captain fake bonespurs.
