

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Media really never covered this did they?

CNN’s Jim Acosta complained that President Donald Trump continued to attack the media at a campaign rally Wednesday night in spite of multiple apparent pipe bombs being mailed to the offices of various politicians and media companies this week.
“Trump talked about the bombs sent to former public officials at his rally in Wisconsin. But once again he didn’t mention CNN,” Acosta said on twitter. “On top of all that he criticized the ‘media’ for coverage he doesn’t like. And, of course, he took no responsibility for his own rhetoric.”
Trump talked about the bombs sent to former public officials at his rally in Wisconsin. But once again he didn’t mention CNN. On top of all that he criticized the “media” for coverage he doesn’t like. And, of course, he took no responsibility for his own rhetoric.

One of the undetonated mail bombs was addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan and delivered to the CNN building in Manhattan. The building was evacuated as a response.

The presidents’s son, Donald Trump Jr., did not take the criticism of his father lightly. Don Jr. was himself a victim of a mail terrorism scare in the summer. A package with white powder was sent to his Manhattan apartment and opened by his wife.
Don Jr.’s wife and members of her staff were hospitalized as a result. The white powder turned out to be harmless, but a letter included in the package read: “You’re an awful person and now you get what you deserve.”
“Jim, did you or your colleagues take any responsibility for your rhetoric in constantly calling my family Racists and Nazis for 2 years when my wife actually opened an exploding envelope of white powder intended for me?” Don Jr. asked on Twitter.
The man responsible for these mailings has pleaded guilty, according to the Hill:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Daniel Frisiello, 25, pleaded guilty to 13 counts of mailing a threat to injure, and six counts of false information and hoaxes. He has been under house arrest since he was charged in March, and will be sentenced in January.


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