

Friday, October 19, 2018

Elizabeth Warren, the left's poster child this week!

Sen. Elizabeth Warren's ridiculous claim that she is Native American has finally been put to rest, disproved by Warren herself.  But contrary to her desired effect, she has justifiably become a figure of mockery and amusement, with hilarious memes abound throughout the web.  She apparently thinks the American people are so ignorant that they would believe that being a fractional 1/1,024 Native American (Peruvian, Colombian, Mexican) proves her longstanding claim that won her a job at Harvard as a woman of color.  She announced that Trump owes her the $1 million he promised to her charity of choice if she could prove her Native American heritage.
Sadly, for the people of Massachusetts, this woman is a certifiable, deluded idiot.  Will they re-elect her in November?  Probably.  That is how afflicted with moonbattery the people of the Bay State have always been and likely still are.  They kept re-electing Ted Kennedy even after he killed Mary Jo Kopechne.  Now they elect Warren, and Warren is a national joke.  She is a far-left Democrat who appropriated an invented Native American heritage in order to get a job at Harvard.  She used Harvard's affirmative action program to steal a job from a qualified person who may actually have been a member of a minority group.  Clearly, Harvard was a party to this lie.  Anyone can see that Warren is whiter than most of us, shallower than most, and terminally self-serving.  And she thinks she is presidential material!
Why did she make this big splash about her "verifiable Native American heritage" now?  She is even dumber than we knew.  Did she think this would put the controversy about her claims to bed?  How funny is that?  She thought being 0.09% "Native American" would prove her claim.  Did she pay for an Ancestry.com test and did it come up zero percent Native American so she hired a Stanford friend to tweak her results?  Probably.
That the left has disintegrated into a singular mass of seething, apoplectic protoplasm should be obvious to everyone but those who get their news solely from CNN, MSNBC, etc. – the mainstream media that are today characterized by their vicious anti-Trumpism.  Not one of those familiar "news outlets" reports the news.  They take the events of any day, twist it, contort it, and distort it any way they can to demean President Trump.  They are, in every way, well and truly fake news.  The Kavanaugh hearings were the pièce de résistance, their masterwork of Alinskyite strategy.  "In war, the end justifies almost any means."  The left fears Kavanaugh, so leftists set out to destroy him in the basest way possible: invent a lie and go with it to the bitter end.  That every Democrat save one was on board with this tactic is revealing.  The Democratic Party is no longer pro-Constitution, pro-due process.  They no longer revere the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.  They have become everything they used to rail against.  They've become tyrants without a shred of conscience or compassion.  They thought nothing of setting out to destroy a man and his family over obviously fabricated allegations that could or would never be proven.  This is who and what the Democratic Party is today: morally and ethically bankrupt. 
Throughout the nation, the Democrats lost more than a thousand elected seats over the eight years of the Obama administration, and they are clawing at the doors of power like those pathetic women who were banging on the doors of the Supreme Court in protest over Kavanaugh.  They are desperate and acting out in the most despicable ways.  Deranged anti-Trump people are becoming more and more violent, and a Democrat has yet to speak out against these persons' abusive behavior.  Instead, they encourage it.

Elizabeth Warren's piteous attempt to redeem herself for a lie long told is just the most recent evidence of the left's complete moral meltdown.  The signs are all around us.  Pelosi cannot wait to inflict "collateral damage" on all of us who don't agree with her.  The worst of them: Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters, Elijah Cummings, etc. are gearing up to destroy Trump, Kavanaugh and anyone else who opposes their socialist agenda if they win a majority in the House.  The self-described socialists want to turn this country into Venezuela.  Warren, et al. mean to devastate America as founded.  President Obama went a long way toward that end.  All of us who love America as founded, on the basis of individual freedom, need to vote Republican on November 6.  Our lives and our children's future depend upon it.
Warren's pathetic blunder led Gerard Vanderleun at American Digest to post this.  Enjoy:


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