

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Florida and Texas are creating jobs in record-shattering numbers

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Texas and Florida are not only leading the nation in creating non-farm jobs, but they are doing it at a record-shattering pace.
And they weren't the only states showing significant improvement.
Ohio and Pennsylvania—sometimes considered part of the nation’s “Rust Belt”—also saw significant job gains from September 2017 to September 2018, with Ohio showing the largest increase for its state in 21 years and Pennsylvania showing the largest increase in 18 years.
“Thirty-seven states had over-the-year increases in nonfarm payroll employment in September,” BLS said in its state employment report. “The largest job gains occurred in Florida (+407,300), Texas (+406,400), and California (+339,600). The largest percentage gain occurred in Florida (+4.8 percent), followed by Utah (+3.6 percent) and Texas (+3.3 percent).

The unemployment rate in Florida was 3.5 percent. In Texas, it was 3.8 percent. In California, it was 4.1 percent.
While California ranked third among all states for the number of job gained during the period from September 2017 to September 2018, its statewide jobs growth numbers during that period were actually smaller than they were in two of the previous three September-to-September periods. (From September 2014 to September 2015, California added 493,000 jobs; from 2015 to 2016, it added 393,800 jobs; and from 2016 to 2017, it added 307,500 jobs)
Florida’s jobs grew 4.8 percent during the latest September-to-September period. Texas’s jobs grew 3.3 percent. California’s jobs grew 2.0 percent.
In Florida, the number of nonfarm jobs rose from 8,435,100 in September 2017 to 8,842,400 in September 2018—accounting for the record 407,300 increase.
If the Republicans are able to hang on to the House and Senate, you can thank the economy almost exclusively. If you look at how Democrats are framing the issues in this election across the country, they aren't even trying to badmouth the economy - and if they do, they are making it a "fairness" issue. Their focus is on anti-Trump and their usual class warfare angle.
The can't run on a bad economy because just about everywhere in the nation, the economy is good - or spectacular. The latest poll numbers show Trump's overall approval underwater, but an outright majority approve of the way he is handling the economy. 
Whatever trickle down effect for Republicans on the economy, will be positive. This will almost certainly prevent a Democratic sweep and gives the GOP a fighting chance to maintain control of the House.



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