

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Heitkamp aide caught on hidden camera saying she'll be 'super liberal' if re-elected

James O'Keefe's intrepid crew of Project Veritas video bandits has struck again.  This time, he's caught a "bait and switch" effort from the campaign of Heidi Heitkamp, the incumbent senator from North Dakota.
We often comment on AT about liberals twisting themselves into knots trying to appear moderate in order to cover up their radical agenda.  Meet Jesse Overton, Hietkamp's digital director, who gleefully let the cat out of the bag when he said, "It's an election year for her.  She's being careful about pissing people off, and it's funny, she said basically, like, after the election, if and when she gets re-elected, she's going to be super liberal."

When one of Project Veritas' undercover journalists visited Heitkamp's Fargo, North Dakota campaign office, staffers admitted they take down posters of former President Barack Obama when the media is present because they want Heitkamp to appear as more moderate than she really is.

Another staffer who works for Heitkamp's Senate office, Prescott Robinson, said that if she wins by a large enough margin, then she will start being more progressive, adding that if other Democrats around the country started moving further left that "she would move to the left."
Most of us are aware of Republican lawmakers who talk like conservatives on the campaign trail and then melt like a stick of butter in the hot sun once they get to Washington.  But they never try to hide their affiliation with the conservative cause – to one degree or another.
Politicians are generally two-faced, with the more successful among them being able to straddle the fence expertly.  But this goes way beyond fence-straddling.  This is, as O'Keefe calls it, a true "bait and switch" moment for the Heitkamp campaign.
It's not mattering much at this point.  Her opponent, GOP Rep. Kevin Cramer, is beginning to pull away in the polls.  Cramer is up 16 points with just two weeks to go.
If the seat flips to Republicans, the Democrats can kiss their Senate majority dreams goodbye.


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