

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Holder: A Minority Is ‘Taking Power That Is Not Legitimately Theirs’

Sorry DipShit, Socialist and Liberals are the minorities. Elections have consequences F^cknut.  Also no voter suppression. Just want to make it legal with voter id so dead people don't vote

On Tuesday’s “CNN Tonight,” National Democratic Redistricting Committee Chairman and former Attorney General Eric Holder stated, “with regard to gerrymandering and voter suppression, you are seeing a minority in this country taking power that is not legitimately theirs.”
Holder said Democrats can overcome gerrymandering “if we have a really substantial turnout, but I’m concerned that this seawall of gerrymandering might stop that blue wave from getting to the shore. And I point to Virginia, where Democrats beat Republicans by ten percentage points last year, but were unable to take back the general assembly.”

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