

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Rap Sheet: ***603** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters


When not calling Trump supporters “Nazis” as a means to dehumanize us, the establishment media like to whine about the lack of civility in American politics, even as they cover up, ignore, downplay, or straight-up approve of the wave of violence and public harassment we are seeing against supporters of President Trump.

It is open season on Trump supporters, and the media is only fomenting, encouraging, excusing, and hoping for more… The media are now openly calling Trump supporters “Nazis” and are blaming Trump for a mass murder he had nothing to do with. This, of course, is a form of harassment because it incites and justifies mob violence.

Here is the list, so far, and remember that if any one of these things happened to a Democrat, the media would use the story to blot out the sun for weeks. Remember how crazy the media went over a nobody rodeo clown who wore an Obama mask, a GOP stafferwho criticized Obama’s daughters? And yet, hundreds of Trump supporters are harassed and brutalized and the media only dutifully report them, if at all. That is because the media are desperate to normalize and justify violence and harassment against Trump and his supporters.
  1. October 16, 2018: Person claimed ricin was in letter sent to Senator Collins home
  2. October 16, 2018: Republican candidate Shane Mekeland punched in Minnesota restaurant
  3. October 16, 2018: Gov. Cuomo (D-NY) Blames GOP for Antifa Attack on Manhattan Club
  4. October 16, 2018: Republican State Rep. Sarah Anderson assaulted in Minnesota
  5. October 16, 2018: DFL Employee Calls for Republicans to be Beheaded
  6. October 12, 2018: Antifa Smash Windows, Deface Doors of Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan
  7. October 11, 2018: Anti-Trump Protester Threatens to Rape Conservative Reporter
  8. October 11, 2018: A truck with ‘Trump 2020’ bumper stickers was left at a bar overnight. Someone set it on fire.
  9. October 10, 2018: Susan Rice’s Republican Son Assaulted at Pro-Kavanaugh Event
  10. October 10, 2018: Eric Holder Tells Dem Activists: ‘When They Go Low, We Kick ‘Em’
  11. October 10, 2018: CNN says mobs have “constitutional right” to chase Republicans out of restaurants
  12. October 9, 2018: Hillary Clinton opposes “civility” with Republicans.
  13. October 8, 2018: Raw Story’s Editor: Steve Scalise ‘Accomplice’ to His Attempted Murder
  14. October 8, 2018: Leftist Teacher Tweets: “So Who’s Gonna Take One For the Team and Kill Kavanaugh?”
  15. October 8, 2018: Antifa Takes Over Portland, Harasses Old Man for Disobeying
  16. October 8, 2018: Rand Paul’s Wife: I Sleep with a Loaded Gun Thanks to Leftists’ Threats
  17. October 7, 2018: Sen. Cory Gardner claims wife received a beheading video over Kavanaugh vote.
  18. October 6, 2018: Kavanaugh Protesters Accost an Elderly Trump Supporter
  19. October 6, 2018: Sen. Collins Flooded with Abusive Tweets Threatening Death, Violence
  20. October 5, 2018: Protesters Chase Graham To His Car Saying They Will Remove Him From Office
  21. October 4, 2018: Republican Senators Hit With Death Threats Amidst Kavanaugh Fight
  22. October 3, 2018: Ricin and threatening letter sent to Trump
  23. October 2, 2018: 2 hospitalized after exposure to powdery substance at Cruz’s Houston campaign office
  24. October 2, 2018: GOP Congressman Andy Harris (R-MD) assaulted by protesters
  25. October 2, 2018: Video: Leftist protester kicks pro-life woman
  26. October 1, 2018: Vandals Hit IL GOP Headquarters With ‘RAPE’ Graffiti
  27. October 1, 2018: Senator Mitch McConnell Badgered At Airport By Anti-Kavanaugh Activists
  28. September 30, 2018: Georgetown prof: White GOP senators in Kavanaugh hearing ‘deserve miserable deaths’
  29. September 27, 2018: Republican Senators doxxed by Democrat Congressional intern
  30. September 25, 2018: CNN Defends harassment of Ted Cruz
  31. September 25, 2018: Ted Cruz and Wife harassed out of DC restaurant
  32. September 20, 2018: Brett Kavanaugh and family receive death threats
  33. September 12, 2018: Resistance Makes Rape Threat to Susan Collins Staffer over Kavanaugh Vote
  34. September 11, 2018: DC police investigate threat to commit mass shooting at a MAGA event in Trump International Hotel
  35. September 11, 2018: Threats of Rape and Strangling’ Force Writer Into Hiding After Anti-Abortion Tweet
  36. September 11, 2018: Trump Hater Attacks California GOP House Candidate wth Switchblade
  37. September 10, 2018: Hispanic Immigrant says she was spit on in Santa Monica for Trump hat.
  38. September 10,2018: Broadway Star Carole Cook on Trump: ‘Where’s John Wilkes Booth When you Need Him?
  39. September 6, 2018: Media and Leftists Harass Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and His Family
  40. September 6, 2018: Black Trump Fan Booted from Bar for Wearing Trump Hat
  41. September 6, 2018: Arsonists hit Albany County GOP Headquarters in Laramie, WY.
  42. September 5, 2018: TV Writer Hopes Kavanaugh Daughters ‘Go to School Without Being Shot’
  43. August 31, 2018: Dem Rep. Ruben Gallego Threatens Immigration Officials
  44. August 28, 2018: California student arrested for stealing MAGA hat from classmate, slapping teacher
  45. August 19, 2018: Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Guy’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. She Does It.
  46. August 18, 2018: Trump supporter assaulted by aging punk rocker.
  47. August 14, 2018: CNN’s Chris Cuomo justifies and encourages violence against Trump supporters.
  48. August 12, 2018: TX Restaurant forced to close social media accounts over photo of Jeff Sessions
  49. August 9, 2018: FBI announce arrest for contract killing threat of ICE agent via Twitter
  50. August 9, 2018: Antifa blocks Infowars reporter’s access to park
The rest of the list is on the link

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