

Thursday, October 18, 2018

When resistance breaches civility

What does it mean today to be a Democrat?  The once venerable Democratic Party has devolved into character assassination, thuggery, and mob rule.
In the third and final 2016 presidential debate, Hillary Clinton insisted that Donald Trump accept the upcoming election results.  With Trump's upset election, Hillary, the Democrat National Committee, and their mass of media sycophants immediately launched into what can be described only as a temper tantrum.  The "resistance" was launched to oppose Trump, the Republicans, and more broadly the will of the American people.
While this spectacle at times has been comical, it is now moving into dangerous territory, with Hillary, Eric Holder, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, and others calling for violence against the president, Republican members of Congress, and the whole of the American people.   
Hillary Clinton suggested on CNN that "we cannot be civil with the Republican Party" and that "civility will return if they're [Democrats] fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate."
The following day, Eric Holder suggested that "when they go low, we kick 'em," referring to Republicans.

The Democrats have unleashed their paid political provocateurs to disrupt town halls; intimidate Republican members of Congress; and take to the streets in Berkeley, Portland, New York, Washington, and elsewhere to threaten civil order.  A little more than a year ago, a Bernie Sanders supporter, James Hodgkinson, lathered into anger by the daily drumbeat of doom and gloom propagandized by the major media outlets, shot Steve Scalise and others at a Republican softball practice.
Will Democrats be satisfied if the president, a senator, or some congressmen are shot and killed?  Is assassinating a righteous man's character an acceptable price to pay to protect a seat on the Supreme Court?  How far is the mob willing to go to regain seats of power, and if and when they regain said power, will civility suddenly reign, or will their newfound lock on power be used to punish opposing political dissent?
This past week, a rural Pennsylvania Democrat was forced to resign from his post by party officials for his Facebook post proclaiming, "I stand for the Flag, and I kneel at the Cross."
Democrats need to ask themselves, do I want to be part of a party that actively opposes the flag and Christ?
Just #WalkAway.  Americans (of all stripes) are pulling together to Make America Great Again.



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