

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Here We Go… Nutty Obama Takes Credit for US Becoming Top Oil Producer Under Trump (VIDEO)

What a goofy guy.
Barack Obama continues to struggle with the many successes of his successor.
In a recent speech Obama even took credit for the oil boom under President Trump.

It must suck to have a real leader show you up on a daily basis. Huh, Barack?
The United States this year became the largest oil producer in the world.
Energy.gov reported:
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The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimated in their latest Short-Term Energy Outlook that the United States is now the largest global crude oil producer, likely surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia. In February, U.S. crude oil production exceeded that of Saudi Arabia for the first time in more than two decades. In June and August, the United States surpassed Russia in crude oil production for the first time since February 1999.
Barack Obama signed the Paris Climate Accord which would have obliterated the US oil industry.
So keep pretending, Barack.
Americans know the truth.

Former Shell Oil President Thumps Obama on His Role in US Energy Boom


I’m Living Rent-Free in Obama’s Head as He Claims Credit for Trump’s Economy

As stated and Common sense this worthless ShitStain is flat out lying to the Idiots watching him.  Remember when he did what he could to block drilling in the gulf, Alaska? Remember how shale rock and fracking went apeshit on "private" property

RUSH: Okay, so yesterday the former president, Barack Hussein Obama, who is just — this is pathetic. It is pathetic. Barack Obama, wherever he goes, is trying to claim credit for all of the good that is happening, primarily in the U.S. economy. But wherever it is, Obama is asking people (imitating Obama), “I want you to remember where it started and who to thank. That’s right. I want you to say thank you.” He’s saying this stuff to people.
The degree to which we are threatened — that may be too strong a word, but I’ll stick with it. The degree to which we are having to deal with people who are not psychologically secure, and by that I mean the majority of the American left, is frightening. So there is at Rice University a new political institute. It’s the James A. Baker political institute. The James A. Baker who was secretary of state for George H. W. Bush. He’s from the Bush branch of the Republican Party.
Rice University is in Houston. So he’s got this Baker think tank there. And they had Obama. That makes sense, doesn’t it? The Bush wing of the Republican Party inviting former President Barack Hussein O to come down and basically rip the current Republican president at the James A. Baker Political Institute at Rice University.
And Obama, you know, talk about (imitating Obama), “Suddenly America is the largest oil producer. Well, that was me, people. Say thank you.” He said this! “That was me.” That was you? You tried to shut down oil production everywhere you could! You wouldn’t authorize pipelines! You’re building stupid windmills and solar panels everywhere! What do you mean, the oil boom is you?
Look, you know, folks, I’m gonna have to consciously dial it down here ’cause I don’t know how it sounds with me being this mad or agitated or whatever. The last thing I want to do is upset any of you. But some of this stuff, you know, you deal with this garbage every day, you refute it every day, you disprove these people every day, and they still keep lying to people. And then the Drive-By Media is out there promoting and selling all of this BS at the same time.
So here’s some more detail. We got some audio of this, so stand by. James A. Baker did some of the interviewing of Obama, along with Jon Meacham, who used to run Newsweek. “Without mentioning President Trump, former President Barack Obama praised his indictment-free tenure Tuesday during an invitation-only gala in Houston.
“Obama’s remarks came at the tail end of an hour-long interview with former Secretary of State James A. Baker III during the 25th anniversary celebration of the nonpartisan Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University. ‘Not only did I not get indicted, nobody in my administration got indicted,’ Obama said to a crowd of more than 1,000. ‘By the way, it was the only administration in modern history that that can be said about. In fact, nobody came close to being indicted, probably because the people who joined us were there for the right reasons.’”
A nonpartisan Republican think tank sponsored this. Now, this infuriates me more than I can say, but I’m going to maintain my composure here, because the fact of the matter is that this man, Barack Hussein Obama, was a walking scandal by virtue of his leftist transformational policies to begin with. No scandal? How about, “You like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. You like your plan, you can keep your plan. My plan’s gonna lower your premium $2,500 a year.”
I think Barack Obama oversaw some of the greatest scandal in our country. The politicization and the weaponization of the IRS. Hello, Lois Lerner. The weaponization, the politicization of the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the DNI, and everything to do with this investigation into Trump. You talk about corruption, the whole FBI, the leadership during Obama’s era was corrupt.
Our intelligence agencies were in on this. FISA courts might even be involved in it. And his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, was allowed to create and maintain an illegal, hidden email server that facilitated the criminal exposure and mishandling of thousands of classified documents and allowed her to have a pay for play scheme with foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation off the record so that none of it was on government computer servers.
By the way, have you seen what happened to donations to the Clinton Foundation since she lost? They’re like down 90% ’cause there’s no reason to pay, because there won’t be any play. Since Hillary’s not in the White House, there’s no reason to pay to try to influence her thinking. Clinton Foundation donations have practically come to an end. A screeching halt. Now the Clintons can’t even fill arenas as they go out and try to prove that they are just as popular as Donald Trump.
Obama can run around and talk about nope, nobody on my team was indicted. That’s because nobody had the guts to investigate! Nobody had the guts to criticize this administration! Obama had a boundary around him that never was gonna be permeated. It wasn’t even gonna be approached. It’s called race. This permitted the media to act like Obama was a straight arrow and a moderate, mainstream guy with the sharpest crease in his slacks any president had ever had.
No accountability, constant platitudes, slobbering, fawning, favorable coverage. And now they get to hear about Obama talk about his scandal free presidency with zero pushback. They don’t even talk about what happened in Benghazi. And if you don’t, you’re the problem. So now let’s go to the – (interruption) is there one more to this? No, he did say about the oil that he was responsible for the boom. Suddenly America’s the largest oil producer. “That was me, people. Say thank you.”
So let’s go to the audio sound bites. This is not where he’s being interviewed by James A. Baker III. This is history professor and former Newsweek editor Jon Meacham or Meacham, I’m not sure how he pronounces it and here’s the first bite of their discussion.
OBAMA: Members of Congress now are entirely secure that they’ll win their seat if they get the nomination. What they’ve gotta worry about is do I have somebody from farther to my right or farther to my left who’s gonna run against me in a primary. They then are not willing to stray from whatever the party line has become. You’ve got folks like Limbaugh and others who are enforcing what they consider to be ideological purity of some sort. What you had by the time I arrived is a Congress that has difficulty getting out of campaign mode and into governance mode.
RUSH: For crying out loud, I don’t know where to start with this. This guy never left campaign mode. It led to me creating the Limbaugh Theorem to explain how he never left the campaign mode. Obama was masterful. As he was doing all these transformational things which were damaging the U.S. economy and overturning the health care system, he acted like he had nothing to do with it. He acted like he was up against these powerful forces, like me and others. And it was incredible to watch.
The media really helped him get away with this. He was the president, but he was powerless. Was powerless to stop all of these things. You may have forgotten that the first two weeks of Obama’s regime he calls up all the leaders of Congress, House and Senate, Republican and Democrat, and at the end of the meeting or near the end of the meeting he looks at John Boehner, who at the time was the Republican speaker, and told Boehner and the rest of the Republicans that they gotta stop listening to Rush Limbaugh. That’s just not how things are gonna get done here now.
Now, that was reported, not widely. I had a meeting with Boehner right here two weeks later, and he was telling me about it and he said he was really confused. He didn’t know why Obama had said that. And kind of cocked my head. I said, “You don’t? You don’t know why he said that to you?”
“No. I can’t figure it out. What was the point?”
I said, “What he was hoping for was that just one of you would go to that bunch of microphones outside the West Wing after the meeting and agree with him, that guys like Rush Limbaugh are the problem. He thought he could cow a bunch of you into thinking he’s this brand-new arriving moderate that wants to get rid of politics-as-usual and forge a new course. He’d already had dinner with George Will and a bunch of others and he had tried to name now Never Trumpers as the heartbeat of conservatism by having dinner with ’em and he was trying, Mr. Boehner, for you to come out and speak out against talk radio and the conservative blogosphere.”
And Boehner said, “I didn’t think of that. I just couldn’t figure out why he was doing it.” ‘Cause Boehner’s probably saying, “We don’t listen to you anyway; so what’s he talking about?” (laughing) But, anyway, it happened. Now, here’s more from Obama. Just listen. I don’t have to characterize it.
OBAMA: I still feel bad for Charlie Crist down in Florida, the governor, hugely popular, but hadn’t gotten the memo that he wasn’t supposed to cooperate with me. I think the fact that I kind of gave him a little bro hug, you know. That was it. I mean, he… (laughter) I felt bad for the guy because he became a cause celebre inside of the Republican media — or the — the Limbaugh, Fox News media world, which is how Marco Rubio got elected, essentially, was saying you are not a true believer.
RUSH: This guy’s been out of office for two years, he was in office for eight years, and, for some reason, I’m still there living rent-free in his brain, and he’s using me as — I don’t know — his excuse or whatever. I think what it is, I think it was my Wall Street Journal editorial of four words shortly after he’d been immaculated. They asked me for 400. I said I don’t need 400. I can do it in four: “I Hope He Fails.” And I don’t think they have ever gotten over that. And they knew what I meant even though they continued to mischaracterize it as me saying I hope the country failed. It was the exact opposite.
So this was at the James A. Baker nonpartisan political Institute for Politics at Rice University. Let’s see. We’ve got some flashbacks just to illustrate that this isn’t new for Obama. January 13th, 2017, NBC’s Dateline. Lester Holt said to Obama, “Given that the recovery was as uneven as it was with the people at the bottom slower to recover than people on the top, didn’t that in some way plant the seeds for the election of Donald Trump?”
OBAMA: Well, what is true is that the ability of Republican leaders to rile up their base, helped along by folks like Rush Limbaugh, some commentators on Fox News, I think created an environment in which Republican voters would punish Republicans for cooperating with me, that hothouse of back-and-forth arguments and really sharp partisanship I think has been harmful to the country.
RUSH: What do you notice about this? You notice that none of what he or the left or the Democrats do is partisan. No. It’s just normal. It’s just what is. It’s the natural order of things. And any opponents, anybody that opposes them are radical or partisan, rigid ideologues.
You know, as ideological as I am, I can’t compare to Barack Obama. I can’t compare, and nor can anybody I know on the right compare to the rigid ideological structure and belief system of Barack Obama, who comes from the genealogical tree of Saul Alinsky and the Communist Party. And yet I am considered to be this strident, ideologically pure, unwavering obstacle. And all I am is a guy on the radio.
I never had a vote against him. I never had a say in what happened with health care or Benghazi or anything else. There’s not a thing I could do to stop, to impede, or to help the Obama agenda. What this really is, there were a lot of Republicans afraid to oppose him, folks, because of race. They just didn’t want to be called racists, bigots, scared to death. And believe me, the Democrats made as much of that as they could. They knew that there were boundaries around Obama that nobody would get close to.
But to us here they didn’t exist because he wasn’t black; he wasn’t male; he was president of the United States whose ideas mattered and with whom we disagreed. I got past the historical racial component of this after the inauguration. After that, the idea that you can’t criticize the president — and they parlayed this like you can’t believe. That’s why they want the first female president, can’t criticize her, you’d be sexist. Then they want the first Hispanic president, can’t criticize them, you’d be racist and bigoted all over again. It’s what these people do, try to shut down, stifle, and end any opposing speech that they don’t want to hear.
RUSH: So Barack Obama says that he’s responsible for the oil boom. Somebody tell me what Obama did to support the fossil fuel industry. Was it when he promised to shut down the coal industry in America? Was it all of his massive regulations? He wanted to drive up the price of electricity generated by coal so that coal mines would have to be shut down.
And do we remember Barack Hussein Obama running around along with the rest of his party, “We can’t drill our way out of this. We just can’t do it. We can’t drill our way out.” And that was a response to Sarah Palin. You know, she was out there saying, “Drill, baby, drill.” And that shook the Democrats. We can’t drill our way out. Now Obama’s taking credit for this, trying to shut down fracking, which is the latest innovation to extract oil from places nobody even knew it was.


Trump vs. Obama on GM and the private sector

President Trump is getting some negative feedback for interfering with the private sector for his comments on General Motors.  President Trump is essentially pressuring GM to keep plants open in the U.S. by pointing out to them that they have been bailed out by U.S. taxpayers and wondering why they are closing plants here while they don't seem to be closing plants in Mexico and China.  He is absolutely not telling them what to produce.
I thought the best way to analyze this issue is by comparing and contrasting the way Trump treats the private sector to the way Obama and Democrats have treated the private sector.  President Trump focuses continuously on bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. and creating new ones.
President Obama and others said manufacturing jobs were gone for good.  President Obama was willing to relegate U.S. trade policy to others through the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.  President Trump believes that the U.S should control trade itself and pulled out of TPP.
President Obama bragged that his policies would bankrupt coal companies and destroy jobs while hurting the poor and middle class with much higher utility rates.  President Trump is focusing on keeping coal mines open and miners employed while holding down utility rates.
President Obama continually blocked drilling and fossil fuel projects, which certainly blocked job creation and enhanced the power of Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and others.  President Trump has opened up drilling projects, which creates jobs; helps keep prices lower; and reduces the power of Russia, Iran Saudi Arabia, and others.  We are much more energy independent today under President Trump.

The Obama administration sought to destroy for-profit education companies while failing to hold not-for-profit and government higher education institutions to the same standards.  President Obama pushed high taxes and massive regulations.  President Trump likes the private sector to have more control of the money and more freedom, not the government.
During Obama's years, there were slush funds at the EPA, the Justice Department, and the CFPB that were used significantly to reward political supporters.  The Obama administration pretended that the legal settlements, where these groups essentially blackmailed companies to settle, were used to help victims and consumers, but a large proportion of the money instead was kicked back to liberal interest groups.  It is amazing the number of ways that Obama gathered money to spend as he pleased.
Trump budget chief shuts down consumer 'protection' bureau 'slush fund'
An educational "slush fund" used by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has come under the "strictest review" by acting director Mick Mulvaney amid concerns the Obama-era agency has been doling out cash only to Democratic cronies.
Stunning report: Obama shifted 'slush fund' cash to libs
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is investigating up to $6 billion in legal settlement money that the Obama administration steered toward progressive causes and allies in left-wing advocacy groups.
President Obama and others intentionally violated bankruptcy law when they used billions of taxpayer dollars to protect political supporters (the unions) over more secure bond-holders and other unsecure creditors.  This was one of the clearest indications that Obama cared little about settled law.
Auto bailout allowed president to improperly choose winners, losers
The Obama Administration, overriding the legal system, ordered the bankruptcy court to wipe out the bondholders and nonunion pension debt – an unconstitutional seizure of property.  Union pension benefits were secured with equity in GM and Chrysler.
When the dust settled, union pensions and taxpayers owned both companies.  This clearly violated U.S. bankruptcy law, and became the subject of ongoing litigation.  It was wrong to use the "crisis" as an excuse to disregard the law and serve a political agenda.
Bureaucrats working with Obama helped determine which dealerships would close.
How Obama crushed thousands of auto dealerships
In 2009, the Auto Task Force under the US Treasury Department and its head, Steve Rattner, Obama's Car Czar, entered into negotiations with Chrysler and GM (auto manufacturers) to "save" the auto industry.  Herein, the auto task force, without inside knowledge of the industry, pressured the manufacturers to reduce the number of dealerships and fast tracked the government-managed bankruptcy to do just that.  This did not allow for due process in the bankruptcy court.
GM also got a huge income tax break.  Maybe the company should remember how generous we were.
GM Could Be Free of Taxes for Years
General Motors Co. will drive away from its U.S.-government-financed restructuring with a final gift in its trunk: a tax break that could be worth as much as $45 billion.
GM says it is closing factories that produce vehicles that are unprofitable, but it is throwing billions into loss-producing electric and self-driving vehicles.
After years of development and taxpayer gifts, hybrid and electric cars sold in October 2018 totaled 34,094, or a little over 2% of the total, and if you take out Tesla, the total is under 14,000, which is less than 1%.  Think of how low it would be without the $7,500 credit – which I call a gift to the rich who like to buy electric toys to pretend they care.  Very few poor or middle-class people buy these impractical vehicles.
How many people actually believe that impractical and expensive electric vehicles will ever be popular choices for the poor and middle class unless we are actually forced to buy them?  Why do we give taxpayer subsidies to GM and other car makers for cars they make in other countries?
I feel so good that middle-class taxpayers subsidize rich families buying the Tesla Model X and Model S, who make between $267,000 and $503,000.
New survey compares demographic of Tesla Model X vs. Model S buyer
Model X owners showed a significant bump in household annual income versus Model S owners, ticking in at an average of $503,000 and $267,000 respectively.
We should all be thankful every day that we have a president who wants to increase the power and purse of the private sector versus Obama or Hillary, who, along with other Democrats, continually wanted to increase the power of the government and confiscate an ever greater share of the nation's wealth for them to use as they please.


This Invasion Is Erasing the American Culture. Where’s the Wall?

RUSH: This is Chris in Bristol, Virginia. Great to have you, and welcome to the EIB Network. Hi.
CALLER: Hello, Rush. Love your show. I’m calling today because I wanted you to help me understand — perhaps your audience, too — why, in my opinion, the Trump administration is still acting in such a weak manner about the illegal immigration on the southern border. What I mean is that on the news yesterday, there were reports showing that three NGO organizations are responsible for the bulk of illegal immigration, for the bulk of the caravan movements, and it turns out that these same NGOs receive from the government tens of millions, or perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars, to resettle illegal immigrants once they cross the border. these are contracts by the government with these NGOs.
For example, Pueblo Sin Fronteras. So all of a sudden it dawned on me this thing could just be a huge racket where these organizations receive millions of dollars of funding, and then they turn around, push these caravans just to increase more immigrants that they have to resettle and charge the government more. So I don’t understand why the Trump administration still acts in a weak manner controlling illegal immigration. I’m baffled by it. I wish the government would be more proactive. And perhaps they should consider investigating these groups. And if they can prove that this is a racket, the government should come down on these groups as hard as a ton of bricks and do to them what the government did to the Ku Klux Klan, which was to break ’em financially. So, anyway, that’s the question, Rush. What is your opinion about this whole matter?
RUSH: Well, my opinion of it is somewhat more generic than the specific nature of what you talked about. There’s no question that there are groups like La Raza and two of the others that you mentioned that are financially invested. The Democrat Party is behind them. It’s what’s so frustrating. The Democrat Party is allied with all of these groups. NGO, nongovernmental organization is what that means, folks. And it just means in this case we’re talking about special interest groups that are tied to people by virtue of their ethnicity — Hondurans, Mexicans, Hispanics overall.
And the objective, I mean, without sugarcoating it, the objective is to dilute and eventually eliminate or erase what is known as the distinct or unique American culture. And this is being done by flooding the border and having more people than we can possibly stop or deal with or manage after they get across the border to just fade away invisibly into our culture. And everybody here is very patient. If it takes 20 years for every day’s arrivals or every month’s arrivals to then sprout and grow and begin to infiltrate — you can see it happening, folks — my contention is that we can see why this is crucially important, and we can see the results.
California. Do you realize it wasn’t but a generation ago that the Republican Party ran that state? The governor was routinely Republican. The legislature. When I lived in Sacramento in 1984, Reagan was running for his second term, and the Republican governor, Pete Wilson, before that George Deukmejian. It’s a generation ago, 25 years ago, 30 now, 35.
Arizona, it’s happening Arizona. If you go look at Texas, if you look at the border, counties of Texas, those that border Mexico, they’re all blue or light blue. They’re turning blue from what used to be red. And you can see it. This is why people call this an invasion, because it is. It’s a very slow and plodding invasion which, at times, doesn’t look slow and plodding when multiple thousands are crashing the border at one time.
But your overall question is, why isn’t anything done about it. Look. If Trump doesn’t follow through on this, reelection in 2020 is going to flit away. And I’m up against it on time, so let me expand on this or complete the thought, actually, when we get back.
RUSH: Look. There’s no question that we’re being invaded by immigration, illegal immigration. Donald Trump ran for office building a wall and stopping it. It’s the reason that he was elected. I’m telling you, everywhere I just sense that the natives are getting restless, that Republicans had the House, Republicans had the Senate, Republicans had the White House, and there isn’t any wall.
We know that the Republican House and Senate had many people in there that didn’t want a wall, not big fans of Trump, the Republican Party not unified, but that didn’t matter. That’s why they elected Trump. Trump was gonna get that done. Trump was going to be able to overcome that kind of opposition on the basis of being elected alone.
This is another reason — I hate to keep tying this back to Mueller and this investigation. They’re trying to nullify everything about that 2016 election, including the issues Trump ran on, folks. He was clearly elected to stop illegal immigration, to shore up the border, to build a wall to stop it. That is the primary reason that people looked the other way whenever there are questionable things about Trump’s character, personality, or the things that might tend to upset people, his tweeting, the Access Hollywood video.
People looked the other way because of the overarching importance of shoring up and securing the border and the fact that there was nobody else in American politics that would get anywhere near talking about it like Trump did. People believed him and elected him, and they stand by him to this day, I am convinced, because they still hold out hope and they believe that he meant it, that he was gonna get a handle on this.
Now along comes Mueller and this band of merry investigators and the rest of the Washington establishment, and they’re trying to nullify the 2016 election, they’re trying to overturn it. They refuse to accept the results, and everything Mueller is doing is aimed at disqualifying Trump. They want to write a report ultimately that would be subject to him being impeached. Not subject. It would lead everybody to conclude that he should be. That’s what they’re setting up here.
The whole thing is bogus. None of this is legal. None of this is justice. It’s all raw politics. And part and parcel of it — do not doubt me — is disqualifying Trump as president while he is. All of this has been about raising questions regarding his fitness, his temperament, his qualifications, and to the extent that they can have people start questioning that, then it’s not a big leap to questioning his opinions on policy, his objectives on policy.
So there isn’t any overwhelmingly loud applause and support in Washington for this economic recovery. Quite the opposite. There’s an attempt to ignore it. There are efforts to sabotage it. Nobody will convince me that General Motors closing plants is not political aimed at Trump. There’s no other reason for it, other than they made some mistakes assuming that everybody’s gonna be buying electric cars by now and they retool for that and nobody’s buying electric cars, at least not enough to sustain General Motors. But they’re not closing plants in Mexico or China.
So there is a lot of pressure on Trump. But the number one policy reason Trump is opposed — and, by the way, all of this, he’s unfit, we don’t like his tweets, the guy’s demeanor, he’s embarrassing, he’s got no class, it’s all aimed at disqualifying Trump on whatever issues he wants, including at the top of the list, illegal immigration.
You must realize the entirety of the Washington establishment wants illegal immigration. They want as many people flooding the border. They don’t think the country’s in crisis. They don’t think that the country’s gonna go as California does. Even if it does, so what? There’s still gonna be an America, and these people are still gonna have of their ways of insulating themselves from whatever trash and garbage results from the collapse of American culture.
They’re not worried about it. They don’t think the country’s in crisis at all, including much of the Republican leadership in the House and Senate. So Trump won, we gotta humor him, we’ve gotta make it look like we’re on board, when he gets a judge appointed we like, we’ll go all the way on that, but when it comes to immigration he’s still a lone wolf. And that’s the reason nothing’s happened. It’s the reason there hasn’t been a wall.
Now, there is always an end-of-the-year budget deal that has to get done. Lame-duck Congress every year does it. We’ve been dealing with continuing resolutions to fund the government for I don’t know how many years now. There is money in there that could be allocated by way of executive order, to get started on building a wall, five billion, 10 billion, get started.
We’ve already got a prototype of the wall that’s been built out of San Ysidro near the Mexican border that is proving impossible for the illegals to climb over. It’s got a lot of potential. A lot of people are getting nervous and wondering why the president isn’t moving on this, especially since the administration seems to be getting behind a prison reform bill, which may in and of itself be okay. But it’s not why he got elected. And it’s not gonna get him reelected.
People are not gonna race to the polls in 2020, “Yeah, we gotta keep Trump in there, you see what he did on prison reform.” It’s immigration, and illegal immigration and shoring up the border. I can’t tell you why the delay. I can only guess. But I do need to tell you that Trump is still a one-man band on this. I mean, there’s some members of the Republican House and some members of the Republican Senate who are with Trump on this, but nowhere near a majority of them.
And Trump doesn’t have a bunch of big donors on his side who are with him on this. The big donors are opposed to him. And it could well be that the Trump people are strategerizing that it may be to their benefit to have immigration as an issue in 2020, that he tried and he struggled and he did everything, but he needs more support.
I can see the campaign now. Got him elected once. They may be thinking it could get him elected a second time. And believe me. Folks, do not discount this. There’s some people in politics very cynical. If you have a problem that’s big and you get elected to fix it, if you fix it too soon, it doesn’t help you, i.e., if you fix the border right now in the next year, then what are you gonna talk about in the final year leading up to reelection? Look at what I did? A lot of people, “Yeah. You fix this and we’ll reelect you for as long as you live!”
But in politics it’s what have you done for me lately? And there is this concept, just like in football, you can score too soon, you can leave the other team too much time to come back in the fourth quarter. Same thing here. A lot of people in politics think you can fix it too soon, solve it too soon, take an issue away from yourself even though it may be the number one thing your voters want. It’s convoluted.
Now, along these lines, I have my little immigration Stack today, and it’s maddening. It’s infuriating. Here’s one headline from Fox News: “One-Third of Migrants in Caravan are Being Treated for Health Issues, Tijuana Health Official Says.
We’re talking here about hepatitis, HIV/AIDS. We’re talking multiple instances of skin infections. If these people succeed in this caravan getting into the country — let me give you the number. Over one-third of the so-called migrants in Tijuana are being treated for diseases, including tuberculosis, AIDS, chicken pox. And there is a major concern about hepatitis due to the unsanitary conditions. They’re living in shelters designed to hold one-tenth of their numbers.
You know, back in the old days if you showed up at Ellis Island in the late 1800s, early 1900s and you had any kind of disease, you were sent back. There wasn’t an ounce or shred of compassion. If you were sick, sayonara. We were not gonna subject the population of our country to an influx of infectious diseases, and we didn’t.
The pressure here is the exact opposite. We must show compassion. We must treat these people. We can’t just ignore hepatitis and AIDS. We must let them in and treat them. And, of course, if you’re a conservative and you oppose that, what are you? You’re a hard-hearted, mean-spirited, inhuman jerk.
MS-13 Gang Member Admits He Hid in Caravan to Reach the U.S. Border.” By the way, you’re not gonna see one word of any of these stories I have here in the Drive-By Media today. If you do, it’s gonna be in passing to finish up an hour, and it’ll be like a little headline status report. But it won’t be full-fledged news.
“An active member of the MS-13 gang admitted to U.S. Border Patrol officials that he joined a caravan of migrants in the hopes of reaching the border and crossing into the United States. Jose Villalobos-Jobel of Honduras was arrested on Nov. 24, after being spotted standing on the U.S. side of the border east of the port of entry in Calexico, Calif.” Well, if one guy has been caught admitting it, the numbers are far greater than that.
You ready for this? “U.N. Envoy Decries Countries Backing out of Global Compact for Migration.” Did you know that there was a global compact for migration? “The U.N. Special Representative for International Migration –”
What? International migration? The U.N. has a special representative? They got a whole office for international migration. And this clown “criticized the decision by several countries to withdraw from the Global Compact for Migration, saying the measure has seriously affected the spirit of multilateralism. ‘I think it reflects very poorly on those who participated in negotiations,’ said the U.N.’s Louise Arbour Tuesday, adding that ‘it’s very disappointing to see that kind of reversal so shortly after a text was agreed upon.’”
So a bunch of nations agreed to this in principal, and then the results began to show and they said we don’t want any part of this. We didn’t know we were signing a massive influx of legal migration into our countries with this. But the point is there is a movement at the U.N. to create a global compact for migration. Full name: The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration. That’s the U.N. title.
It claims to be “a nonbinding intergovernmentally negotiated agreement prepared under the auspices of the United Nations that covers all dimensions of internationals migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner.” And no doubt one of the reasons for it is climate change. There are people fleeing climate change. We must be compassionate and understand the hell that they are living in now and they are trying to escape.
U.N. conference to adopt this compact is scheduled to be held in Morocco on the 10th and 11th of December. Some nations are getting cold feet and are backing out. United Nations is mad.
California Assessing Legal Action Against Use of Force on Mexico Border.” Now, leaders in California have routinely said that they think they are a separate nation in many ways legally and that they are not bound by United States law if they find themselves in conflict with it. And this is a position Governor Moonbeam has taken and others in that state. And this is a classic example.
“California Attorney General Xavier Becerra is assessing whether the state can take legal action over the Trump administration’s use of force against a caravan of migrants or a decision and future threats to shut the border with Mexico.”
In other words, if the federal government decides to take any action whatsoever to stem illegal immigration, including these caravans, the state of California is saying, “You know what? We may not be bound by it, and we’re gonna sue ’em.”
Now, remember when the state of Arizona got frustrated because the Obama administration was not enforcing existing U.S. immigration law and so they passed their own version of it? It was almost a replica of federal immigration law, and the Obama administration sued them, claiming you, Arizona, you don’t have the right. We, the federal government, we have total purview and control over immigration. It says so in the Constitution, and it’s true.
But here’s the state of California saying, screw you, Trump. Screw you, U.S. government. We’re not gonna let you use violence. We’re not gonna let you stop the caravan. You think it’s coincidental the caravan chose to go to the California border rather than Texas? I guarantee you that there were people in California sending signals to the caravan, “Come here. Your best odds of getting across the border are here in California. We in California want to help.”
The attorney general in California is a Trump hater, Javier Becerra, trying to figure out a way to sue the Trump administration and the U.S. Border Patrol for using tear gas. By the way, it might not have been tear gas. It might have been a movie prop. The caravan might have used a movie prop to make it look like tear gas when in fact the Obama administration used tear gas 80 times on illegal immigrants in packs trying to get into the country.
“UN Officials: Caravan Rhetoric Violating ‘Right to Mental Health’ of Migrants and ‘General Public’ — A group of United Nations officials advised the United States that rhetoric –” in other words, things people are saying about the migrant caravan has detrimental effects on the right to mental health of the people. We’re hurting their feelings! We’re hurting the feelings of people in the caravan and we’re creating mental health problems that we now have to solve by letting them into the country.
Now, you can say NGOs are doing this or what have you. This is strictly the Democrat Party folks. And do not discount: If you want to find Russian meddling in the United States, right here it is. You want to find the ChiComs meddling in the United States, right here it is. You want to find communism trying to overthrow the United States, right here it is. Here’s your Russian meddling. There’s your ChiCom meddling. There’s your collusion, what have you. Democrat Party colluding with all of these groups, as they have been for who knows how long, on illegal immigration.
