

Saturday, December 8, 2018

BOOM! Attorney Gregg Jarrett DESTROYS Liberal NY AG and the “Snot-Nosed Kids” and “Morons” on Staff Behind Cohen Report

FOX News legal expert and best-selling author Gregg Jarrett UNLOADED on the New York State acting Attorney General Robert Khuzami and the “snot-nosed kids” and “morons” who put together the nonsensical and flimsy accusations against Michael Cohen and targeting Donald Trump.

Gregg Jarrett went off on the novice leftists at the New York Attorney General’s office for not knowing the law and putting together such an amateurish legal document.

This was brutal!

Robert Khuzami, the “Acting” US Attorney, filed a sentencing memo claiming President Trump organized illegal payments. Khuzami doesn’t know the law. Non-disclosure contracts are legal in every state. It’s not an illegal campaign contribution. Not a crime. Khuzami is wrong.
Trump did not use campaign funds. A candidate may make unlimited contributions to his own campaign. Yet, Robert Khuzami convinced Cohen, a liar and tax cheat, to plead guilty to a non-crime. Khuzami wants to be the guy who brings down the President.
Look at the four attorneys who signed the Cohen sentencing memo under Robert Khuzami’s name. Griswold, Maimin, McKay and Roos. They’re all kids. No real experience. They don’t know anything about the law. They don’t understand the Federal Campaign Election Act.
Frankly, it should be against the law to allow a bunch of snot-nosed kids, fresh out of law school, to file a federal court document that contorts the law in a deliberate effort to implicate the President in wrongdoing. Did they even read the law? Comprehend it? Morons.

Gregg Jarrett has argued for months that using your own money and not campaign funds to pay off former lovers.
Jarrett told Hannity you can make unlimited contributions to his own campaign.

Joe DiGenova: The Mueller Report Offers NO EVIDENCE that POTUS did ANYTHING WRONG! (VIDEO)

The liberal mainstream media was in gleeful hysteria following the announcement by dirty cop Robert Mueller on Friday regarding charges against Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former Trump attorney Michael Cohen.
The liberal media cheered the news as, once again, the end of President Donald Trump!
On Friday night former US Attorney from the District of Columbia joined Laura Ingraham to discuss the latest charges against Trump’s supporters.
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Joe DiGenova says the Friday night charges still showed NO EVIDENCE of wrongdoing by President Trump.

Joe DiGenova: What we learned again is that there is no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign and certainly nothing with the president personally. We learned the Michael Cohen is a kind of, rather unscrupulous individual who sought to enrich himself through the campaign and did some pretty sleazy deals after the campaign. But again there is no suggestion whatsoever that the president did anything wrong, committed any crime or certainly had any contact with Russians.

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