

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

CNN Impeachment Poll Backfires, Shows More Support For Trump

Fake new got something unexpected. heard this the other day

CNN has been on a tirade against President Trump since his announcement to run for office in 2015. It’s been well established at this point that CNN and President Donald Trump are not on the best of terms. However,  CNN’s recent poll has left the liberals spellbound.
To be fair to President Trump, when CNN isn’t actually peddling fake news, the network is spinning actual news in any way possible to attack him. Calling the relationship between the president and the liberal media, complicated, would be a great understatement. (RELATEDJudge “Investigates Mueller” After FBI Misconduct Explodes)
CNN and MSNBC have been a Hinderance to Trump for a while now. One of the many ways the two networks needle him has been through constantly bringing up the topic of impeachment.
Even though there is no legal purpose for impeaching him, they still press on without a clear reason for doing so. Their behavior over the past couple of years defines the term, ”Trump derangement syndrome.”
In a poll that CNN ran Friday, the results were ”shocking” for the liberal news media. According to the poll released Friday, 50 percent of respondents don’t feel that Trump should be impeached, compared to 43 percent who still feel he should be impeached. In September, 47 percent of those polled felt that Trump should be impeached, so the recent polls represent a 4 percent dip in support for impeachment. (RELATED: WATCH: Border Patrol Challenges Pelosi to ‘Visit the Border for Yourself’)
This not only shocked CNN, but it also shocked the liberal community as well. Imagine going through life trying to convince people that Trump is somehow a ”bad man,” only to fail miserably over and over again.
Democrats have had a bizarre infatuation with impeachment in recent years. Perhaps it’s because impeachment is their only course of action after still being unable to accept Trump’s upset win over Hillary Clinton in 2016?
They spent months telling their readership that Hillary was going to win by a landslide. Then, all their dreams and predictions go up in smoke. Trump won, and they were shocked. Many believe that they still haven’t recovered from the embarrassment that their fake news caused them.
Except more and more polls to sway toward favor for Trump. It will be that way the closer we get to 2020. People are starting to wake up and see the constant fake news that the liberal media is pouring out.
However, you can also expect for the fake news media to come up with new and improved lies to tell for the sole purpose of trying to delegitimize Trumps presidency. We have grown to expect this. (RELATED: Bob Mueller In Hot Water for Allegedly Telling Jerome Corsi To ‘Play Ball’)
The liberal media finds no shame in being this predictable. We can literally guess their next moves against President Trump.



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