

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Durbin: Obamacare Ruling Is Trouble for Republicans

When the  say its trouble for us he's full of Shit. If it was he would not be out talking shit. It's trouble for them because Americans affected by this failure knows the truth



Sunday 0n ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) said a federal judge in Texas ruling that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional was bad news for Republican lawmakers.
Durbin said, “I think the judge, the Republican attorneys general who brought this lawsuit didn’t do the Republican Party any favor. The largest issue in the November 6 election that moved 40 seats from the Republican column to the Democratic column, the biggest single issue was the Affordable Care Act and whether it would cover people with pre-existing conditions. These Republican attorneys general have set out to abolish this law and to end protection for people with a medical history. Now the issue is alive and well again. The Republicans have no alternative to the Affordable Care Act.”
He added, “It once again puts Republicans in Washington on the spot. If you’re going to take away the Affordable Care Act, how will you protect the millions of people currently using it for health insurance for their family?”


The link below you have to think this through. If there was any tax or fraudulent issues over the many years of the Trump organization they would have been red flagged or caught. This Inbred Fucknut is still an Idiot and sad to see him in a position  he is getting


This is there free shit going away


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