

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Federal Judge Rules Against Hillary Clinton, Accuses Her Of Collusion

Don't know what to think of this. Other links out there pertaining to this ruling
There is no way around this for Hillary Clinton this time.
A federal judge has ruled against her in a major way and it could mean the end of her reign.
Judge Royce Lamberth tore into Clinton in a Thursday ruling as he granted Judicial Watch their Freedom of Information Act request against the State Department.
“At best, State’s efforts to pass off its deficient search as legally adequate during settlement negotiations was negligence born out of incompetence,” he said.
“At worst, career employees at the State and Justice departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of Clinton, skirt FOIA, and hoodwink this court,” the judge said in a brutal ruling, The Hill reported.
In his ruling, Lamberth ordered the agencies to develop a plan with Judicial Watch for a discovery plan within 10 days that will determine whether Clinton used the server to evade FOIA requests. He also ruled that the plan should determine whether the State Department sought to settle the case with Judicial Watch “despite knowing the inadequacies of the initial search constituted bad faith.”
President Trump and Republicans have blasted Clinton’s use of a private server to send and receive emails pertaining to her government work. An FBI probe into her use of the server ended with no charges filed.
Judicial Watch alleges that Clinton used the server to avoid public scrutiny of her work.
Judge Lamberth also ordered more fact finding in the case of the email server, Politico reported.
Lamberth, who has clashed with Clinton and her aides in cases dating back to her husband’s administration, was unsparing in his assessment of the former secretary’s actions. He blasted Clinton’s email practices as “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”
Lamberth also again expressed concerns that lawyers at the Justice Department and the State Department misled the court when they tried at the end of 2014 to wrap up Judicial Watch’s FOIA suit about Benghazi talking points even though some officials were aware months earlier that Clinton had tens of thousands of emails on a private system and had agreed to turn many of them over to State at its request.
“State played this card close to its chest,” the judge complained. “At best, State’s attempts to pass-off its deficient search as legally adequate during settlement negotiations was negligence born out of incompetence. At worst, career employees in the State and Justice Departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of Clinton, skirt FOIA and hoodwink this court.”
FBI has dropped new docs on Hillary Clinton email server investigation.

Includes notes discussing how ppl connected to Clinton acted in interviews w/ feds:
-Acted surprised about revelations
-Didn't recall anything
-Used identical talking points
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A federal judge just ordered DOJ to reopen Hillary Clinton’s email case. Raise your hand if you wanna see that locked the f**k up.
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Perpetually amazed at the number of journalists who still fail to comprehend that Hillary Clinton‘s email usage was:
1. Illegal
2. Dangerous
3. A criminal investigation
4. Extremely damaging to the American public’s trust in her - based on the number of times she lied about it

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