

Saturday, December 1, 2018

HERE WE GO-> Acting AG Whitaker Accused of Misleading FTC Over Actions at Miami Firm

More proof the left doesn't want an AG that will enforce the laws and not put up with the Illegal shit from the left?  Will they go sexual rapist on him too?  They are sick

The Deep state has been circling the wagons around Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker since he took over the Mueller probe from DAG Rod Rosenstein. 

Anyone who dares get in Mueller’s way will be destroyed and forced out of office.
The Federal Trade Commission released new FOIA documents Friday suggesting Whitaker misled the agency’s internal investigators about his actions at a Miami firm in 2015.
Matthew Whitaker was on the advisory board of World Patent Marketing, a Miami firm accused of an “invention promotion scheme” and “bilking millions of dollars from consumers.”
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Whitaker previously told FTC investigators he “never emailed or wrote to consumers” during his consulting role  at World Patent Marketing.
Bloomberg reported that Whitaker actually emailed an angry customer in 2015 who planning on reporting the firm to the BBB:
After several attempts to reach Whitaker about the Miami company where he was on the advisory board, the FTC investigator emailed his colleagues to relay that he finally reached Whitaker, who was willing to cooperate and asserted that he “never emailed or wrote to consumers” in his consulting role.
That statement to James Evans of the FTC appears to be inaccurate. Whitaker had written a letter in 2015 to a disgruntled customer who planned to report the company, World Patent Marketing, to the Better Business Bureau. In the letter, which was included in the FTC’s disclosure and reported previously by the news media, Whitaker threatened the customer, writing: “I am assuming you understand there could be serious civil and criminal consequences for you if that is in fact what you and your ‘group’ are doing.”
In the letter, Whitaker noted that he was a former U.S. attorney in Iowa and that he was aware that the customer had complained to the company’s chief executive officer, Scott Cooper, in the past. “I am familiar with your background and your history with Scott,” Whitaker wrote. “Understand that we take threats like this quite seriously.”
Matthew Whitaker became chief of staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions in October of 2017. All of a sudden the media and Deep State are hammering away it him because he is a threat.
The Deep State was happy to have Jeff Sessions as AG because he recused himself from his job and allowed Rosenstein and Mueller to control the Justice Department.

Last Monday, three Senate Judiciary Democrats sued to block Matthew Whitaker from serving as Attorney General.
We have a two-tiered justice system in this country where Trump and his associates are harassed and investigated for every move they make, yet corrupt and criminal Democrats can lie, cheat and steal without fear of reprisal.

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